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Everything posted by MetalRacer

  1. Been running multiple OS's on HDD for years and if one went south it had no impact on the others.
  2. If chemicals don't work you could try some rubbing compound. I would start with some medium duty and then go heavier or lighter as needed.
  3. Thanks a bunch for the info! My card is arriving today.
  4. I'll take it! PM sent.
  5. Good score! But the 6950x isn't allowed in this round of Challenger 2016.
  6. Nice score! I don't think the 6950x can be used in this challenger round since it was released after round had already began.
  7. One of these will do the job. http://www.shapeways.com/search?q=delid+&type=
  8. If available will the GTX1080/1070 be an option for this round?
  9. Unlimited single GPU models for Div. I would be a good thing. What's with this "excluding the high end desktop or HEDT platform " stuff? http://oc-esports.io/#!/article/3579/pro_oc_and_challenger_divisions_round_2_starts_on_oc_esports "Division I is all about benching on Intel’s Core i7 CPUs (excluding the high-end desktop, or HEDT platforms. Any Intel Core i7 using any of the following architectures are allowed; Broadwell, Gulftown, Haswell, Ivy Bridge, Sandy Bridge and Skylake. Likewise competitors are allowed to use any single GPU graphics card from either Nvidia or AMD."
  10. I have two G.Skill F3-17000CL7D-4GBXHD kits. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231451
  11. I was using 8 and then switched to 9. I compared the best of five scores between the two and version 9 was 300 points higher.
  12. I can confirm its working on Ivy-E with Win7 64bit.
  13. Is it ok to use different CPU's for the stages? For example a 4770k for stage 2 and a 5960x for stage 3, or are we locked into the same CPU for all stages?
  14. I've got one here showing $.43/L for a 35L fill. Will email it now.
  15. Thanks Q_F that did the trick.
  16. My Geekbench sub isn't included in team USA total for some reason? http://hwbot.org/submission/3028788
  17. Got it! Thanks for letting me know sooner rather than latter.
  18. My XTU sub is no longer linked to the comp for some reason? http://hwbot.org/submission/3016322_
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