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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. I agree. I cannot validate either. Need to get Chris Ney to get a hold of Franck and see if he'll re-activate 1.79 for a couple months until the comp is finished.
  2. You're barking up the wrong tree bro. I know what is allowed, therefore if you put the same effort in, you would know what was allowed also. Why must it be spoon fed? Your argument isn't with me.
  3. That's fine. It's not like it wasn't posted at all. Obviously I'm not the only one that saw it. Blame is easier to give than receive.
  4. I can't figure you guys out. Everything says DDR1-DDR4. Where would you ever get the idea that RDram or FB was ever included, let alone buy it? Jesus.
  5. Cost will always be an issue to some. As the old platforms get older, they get harder to find and thus the price goes up. If you don't already own these platforms, be prepared to spend. It's not as cheap as you think.
  6. Good thing you have 4 sticks. 3.4v ain't doing that TCCD any favors.
  7. Keep it 'team' oriented. FWIW, W9 has only 6 or less actively competing benchers and we seem to manage the top 5 every year. It can be done, it's just more work.
  8. Whatever is decided on, Warp9 will participate. I can guaranty that we won't cry about the stage choices either, whatever they turn out to be.
  9. Because for the bench to run, it needs the High Precision Event Timer. That's the way the bench was made. If it's not on, the bench doesn't work. It's that simple.
  10. You misunderstand. HPET needs to be on no matter what OS is involved. There is no HPET bug. There is a RTC bug.
  11. BBB is worthless. Currently Ebay has an A+ standing, yet a 94% negative review rating. BBB is a nonprofit organization. All a company has to do is donate to them and they protect them.
  12. Good on you, but don't get used to it. That outcome was a rarity. I've done the same as you did many times and most times I didn't even get a response. Buy that lottery ticket.
  13. Of course they did. I'm sorry for you. Your post above.....ebay works the same way in the US. Horse is out of his mind.
  14. I already pre-filed my claim for your next sale.
  15. That is disheartening. Especially because of the segregation of leagues based on cooling. Now there is no control on that at all. Good job HWB. Want to cure it? Two leagues. 1) Pro/Sponsored 2) Everybody else Solves a lot of issues.
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