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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. There are already entries that are made with non matching hardware. Better get this rule on the books sooner than later.
  2. Go to 'my account', scroll down, there is recalculate near the bottom.
  3. It's not needed. There are loopholes in the leagues that need to be closed, and as usual, 95% of the members have to suffer because of the 5% that can't be trusted. The cooling method thing seems to be an issue, and it can't be corrected, so the next thing to do is try to take that out of the equation. Dividing leagues by points is one way...........but a crappy way. Elite/Pro = 1 league All the rest = 1 league Don't like your points or ranking?, step up or too bad. The responsibility falls on the submitter for points and rank, not on HWB for trying to make everybody a winner.
  4. It's the same here George. I am pretty much always armed. Police are spread thin and can't be everywhere. It's not their fault. The establishment strangles them. The crooks have more rights than the average citizen. Sorry for the OT Bren.
  5. Neither can we. Welcome to the US Brendan. Pretty much just like where you're coming from.............just more shootings.
  6. Tap to drain cooling is usually everybody's first water benching attempt. You cannot have separation clarification without something to verify actual temp. THAT, is the problem. You're the one that brought up cheating. It's not cheating until you can prove that somebody is breaking the rules.......and you can't make rules that you can't prove are being broken. See the problem here? When temp can be proven indisputably, I have no problem with separation by cooling method.
  7. Nothing stopping you from ice water man. Ice is available even in Africa. Have at it.
  8. So, I'll ask again. Cheating....or not? According to your post, it is. Do you expect this guy to warm his water up? You're out of your mind.
  9. I am of the mindset that water is water. If Joe Blow can get his water to -20, good for him. When in Rome, do as the Roman's do. It does not take much effort to make your water cold. If you want to be competitive in the air/water class I suggest you figure it out, because there is no way the subs will be regulated. This is what, the 3rd or 4th thread on this same subject? Waste of time and manpower. Let's move on shall we.
  10. Not good enough. Most AMD temp sensors are not accurate below 40c. My 8320 read 8c at stock on any software so I am a cheater as soon as I turn the rig on. No software will help you if you have a bad sensor, thus you will never be able to break leagues up by temp.
  11. CP is totally team oriented. We bench for the team ranking, but we really like the team based comps. Team members motivate and help other team members become better benchers. It's good for everybody. Hell, we even help other teams on occasion. There is a small group of old schoolers from many different teams that share pretty much all the tips and tricks for almost any old platform. They know who they are . We enjoy their company just as much as people from our own team.
  12. While that may seem true, the teams you directly compete against know exactly who you are, and how good. Cheers :celebration:
  13. Your last two posts are exactly why this will never happen. How do YOU propose to moderate those subs when you cannot even prove the method of cooling or temp? In a perfect honest world, great idea. The world is neither perfect nor honest.
  14. Interesting to see that people think it's that easy.
  15. As I've said multiple times before, until you find a 100% verifiable way to prove temp being used, there is absolutely nothing you can do to break up leagues by temp. There will always be fraudulent entries, loophole seekers, and cheat masters. There is nothing you can do about it.
  16. Forget #2. You can't possibly segregate by cooling, especially with water, until you have a fool proof way to prove actual temp. Until that time comes, you are only kidding yourself if you think that won't be exploited.
  17. There was no 'case' to start with man, and it was not a retaliatory report either. I don't play games like that. If you had read the rules you would know that a pic of rig is only required in contests, not for every single sub. Rules say validation must match user name. Your's does not. Remove the sub or have it removed for you. Comply with the rules and you'll not get reported subs. Easy as that.
  18. Mr.Scott


    Sorry, but I have no sympathy. You all have seen the threads and heard the stories, yet you continue to support a company that obviously is on the take and doesn't give a crap about any customer anywhere. I don't care how good the product may be, you can't support a company like that. It's just stupid.
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