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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. It's Ivan. Over 9k is not the norm.
  2. Yup, core looks fine. I'm totally familiar with all of the old school hardware. Been doing this since the mid 90's.
  3. I thought it was fairly normal. Must have just been weak.
  4. Depends on what you call normal. I was leaning on it pretty hard (over 2v) on the chiller. Pretty much normal for me. It's ok. The road to high clockspeed is littered with dead hardware.
  5. First loss of this comp. My 700 T-bird no longer posts.
  6. LOL. You're joking right? I see 0 subs for GPUPi in your profile, and I know you have good cards and a lot of them. You're giving away global and WR points that you could have. And I enjoy 2D more, but you don't see me begging for more points. Whatever. GL in your quest.
  7. Yeah, and a thousand buck a pop vid card. You seem to keep leaving that out. Same could be said about 3D'ers not doing 2D. Pointless, going in circles. I'm out.
  8. 2 actually, but that wasn't the point. The point was that there was more than the stated "none". Now my turn. How many 3D benchers actually take advantage of that bench to gain at least a few 2D points. NONE. That tells me that 3D benchers only want to bench 3D yet want to reap the points of both 2D and 3D by just artificially inflating the amount of 3D points available, to keep them in contention without having to bench any 2D at all. You cry that you don't get enough points, yet you don't take advantage of the points already available to you. How does that support your argument ?
  9. Still a good deal. They go for $150-200 USD here when you see them.
  10. Wish I could thank you more than once man.
  11. I have 700 T-bird also. Maybe we have a little sub contest inside a contest? :celebration:
  12. Maybe. Cache divisor is the key. KA7 is the only board that it's adjustable in the bios. Huge advantage. For all others it'll be a hardmod or software if you can find it......and it actually works. This stage is all about the availability of hardware. GPU will have little impact as long as it's TNT2. Run what you brung, and hope you brung enough.
  13. KA7, nice board. Very expensive now.....if you can find one.
  14. Don't let him scare you. Just do your best, and above all, have fun.
  15. 10.5x is available Ivan. See you there.
  16. Mr.Scott

    FS: Classic GPU's

    PM'ed for X850.
  17. I enjoy it very much. Best comps that were ever put together. :celebration:
  18. I don't think 9k, mid 8's probably. It's mostly about CPU clock and GPU core clock.
  19. I tend to agree with Sam. HW points were never an issue. The issue was 3D points, but sight was lost over a bunch of other peoples wish lists. I do also understand the an overhaul of algorithms in necessary for the future, but that should not be jumped into with the initial problem so quickly otherwise you'll just be doing it again shortly after. Think. Measure twice, cut once.
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