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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. I have 700 T-bird also. Maybe we have a little sub contest inside a contest? :celebration:
  2. Maybe. Cache divisor is the key. KA7 is the only board that it's adjustable in the bios. Huge advantage. For all others it'll be a hardmod or software if you can find it......and it actually works. This stage is all about the availability of hardware. GPU will have little impact as long as it's TNT2. Run what you brung, and hope you brung enough.
  3. KA7, nice board. Very expensive now.....if you can find one.
  4. Don't let him scare you. Just do your best, and above all, have fun.
  5. 10.5x is available Ivan. See you there.
  6. Mr.Scott

    FS: Classic GPU's

    PM'ed for X850.
  7. I enjoy it very much. Best comps that were ever put together. :celebration:
  8. I don't think 9k, mid 8's probably. It's mostly about CPU clock and GPU core clock.
  9. I tend to agree with Sam. HW points were never an issue. The issue was 3D points, but sight was lost over a bunch of other peoples wish lists. I do also understand the an overhaul of algorithms in necessary for the future, but that should not be jumped into with the initial problem so quickly otherwise you'll just be doing it again shortly after. Think. Measure twice, cut once.
  10. Thanks. It is a particularly good sample. It'll boot to OS at 900. Hasn't met the chiller yet.
  11. Nice gear change. When you cannot get what you want added, you try to take from everybody else. Competition points were added to entice more people to bench in comps. That's basically the only reason. Take the comp points away then. Nobody will care......but then nobody will go out of the way to bench them either. Cause and affect man. For every action, there is a reaction.
  12. It's a handful of people doing the complaining. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
  13. We get the same thing at my smaller company.
  14. I think so too. In theory, it looks pretty good.
  15. Did we decide on a formula?, because I see points being changed right now.
  16. PM me. I have something you might like.
  17. You were clear. I'm not condemning anything yet.
  18. I understand that it's not exactly accurate, and personally, I don't really care about the global's. I do however care about my team losing 3000 points. That amount doesn't seem to jive with just modification of the global slope, as CP is primarily a hardware points team. I'll keep watching/listening. It would seem I'm not totally understanding this yet.
  19. Interesting. I pick up roughly 50 global points but lose 200 places in standings. Team CP loses 3000 points over all.
  20. Not at all. Just saying CP will not be a pushover is all. :celebration:
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