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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. You will not find them there any more. Moved them to a private server long ago, accessible only on my say so.
  2. Oh I have the hardware and the skills to compete decently, but I also have the smarts to know that there are people on those two teams that are better than I am with it. Know and respect thy competition.
  3. I did nothing except answer a few questions for mr.paco. Why no s370 you ask? Because I know team Italy and team Russia are the premier s370 benching teams. Not going to just hand you a round.
  4. You have to do your due diligence. The files are out there, you just have to find them. I have a pretty good elite collection of bios's for most obsolete boards in most all platforms. It took me better than a decade to collect these. I use them as draw to my own site. You can always message me if you're looking for a particular bios. Chances are I have it.
  5. Realistically.....you only have 3 choices for stage 1. Find one. If you divide by core in stage 2 there is no point in a dual socket board. Stage 3.......I kinda like the clock limit idea. Ask Frank. It's his show.
  6. Nope. That's the difficulty factor for that round.
  7. You can think what you want, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Open your eyes, you will find impossible subs on ambient everywhere.
  8. I feel your pain. You are collateral damage. Many are. The problem is that the cooling method and temps cannot be verified without dispute during your bench session. It is becoming more of a problem lately. Once people see the you have used extreme methods, they think that you'll some how employ that in the lesser cooling comps. Most don't, but there is always the few cheats that will. Until temp and cooling method can be positively confirmed, without dispute, the situation may never change.
  9. 2 leagues. Sponsored and everybody else. Run what ya brung and hope you brung enough. You want more points? Bench more stuff or spend on the high end stuff. Your choice. Pretty simple eh?
  10. With all due respect, you've been here what, a month? While I appreciate your enthusiasm, you're wasting your time trying to re-invent the wheel here. BTW, don't underestimate the power of the 2 pointers. The #1 team in the world is built on them and old hardware, so don't say it's impossible or not worth it. Worth is what you put into it, not what you have. Keep it fun and affordable to you. You'll enjoy the hobby more. Don't worry about those stinkin worthless points.
  11. Mr.Scott


    Not HWB's problem guys. We will handle it in house. BUT....there's nothing wrong showing the fine people here exactly how he is. Karma's a b1tch.
  12. XP-M 2800+ @3.2 on dice. 2.3v was a wee bit too much.
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