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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. If it can run the bench with the settings used in the wrapper then it's fine
  2. Idk about a comp specifically for quadros but could probably allow quadros with same core as whatever the main card is. For 8000/9000 definitely want the lower models from those or else people just pull out their 8800gt with mods already done etc
  3. Since there was some interest in discord may as well see what people want to run. Previous comps have been Gt 710, Gt 1030, cedar core, HD 5770, and athlon 3000g. So what hardware would we like to see if there's a competition this year? Some that I can think of Caicos core, oland core, rx550, 8400gs, gts 240, Gt 430, Gt 630 Please comment below with suggestions, ideas, preferences
  4. other sizes when? 10b and 2.5b need some more competition
  5. At least this can be acquired with money,l3014 takes more than money to acquire.
  6. It was a 384gb 905p same install as we used for 1600 8 core, seemed to score well
  7. Canada+manpower = unstoppable I think, thank God they're small so the rest of us have a chance ?
  8. For screenshot we all used capture card, definitely the meta for freq valid. Crazy you could screenshot above 8 at all
  9. So close yet so far, perhaps someday, maybe with different chip, I take gold
  10. Thanks to international computer concepts and intel for sponsoring the meet!
  11. Rip, could always just put it together for a quick photo with same config if it's for a score you've already gotten
  12. Wow, I'm surprised we somehow missed this all comp. Glad someone asked it, BRB rebenching lol.
  13. Very nice, will be hard to beat if the other two au chips are this good
  14. agreed to some extent, I have an eventual and possibly unreachable goal of every gold on am3 and I can say just running every cpu on am3 is a bit of effort, s775 would probably be even more. I think there should maybe be some tweaking to the points but the concept of the new system is spot on.
  15. agreed, big thing is keeping the chonky igps out like 6770hq, 4780hq, 5775c ?, iris xe 80 & 96 eu, etc
  16. I assume the current way rules is structured is I asked too many questions about exceptions and what would be allowed so leeg got frustrated and said fine you can use THESE igps and nothing else lol. At least big xe graphics are banned, otherwise I have a stack of like 200 1145g7 laptops at work I could image...
  17. 6 core was in ycruncher, xtu has always been the core counts it is.
  18. All have been pulled so far from that stage. So seems the rule is intentional now. Just means a second stage that needs the full rdna2 roundup
  19. Running optane as cache for slow ssd?
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