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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. We are talking only about Pro and Extreme Overclocking point of view.... Tell me now... What about the guys that belong Enthusiast League. Tell me that the guy with 4 cards have no many more chance to get hwboints that a guy that haves only one. You can keep your argument....and tell I can compete with 2 VGAs (I still think is not the best way....but I agree and will compete 1 VGA or 2 VGA and do my best).... But now... to the guy that much effort to buy one...and lose easy to guys that amount points with multi cards... Further...there are many many few people that plays multicards at subzero...so multi cards + non sub zero just a good choice. I hope you understand me
  2. Bom... eu não faço nada segundo vc... e não te desrespeitei... Segundo vc eu não faço nada a não ser enganar... Segundo vc...tb...segundo lugar não é nada... Aguardando vc mandar resultados (a propósito... os títulos de entusiastas serão mudados... e não haverão mais de ser juntos com os dos overclockers...conforme vc pode ver no próprio fórum)... Boa sorte
  3. Nah... The second videocard do not belong to me... I really prefer rev 3 way...only the best submission (1, 2, 3, or 4 VGA...give the best score)... This way, you will find not only extreme overclockers...but enthusiasts that haves 4 cards doing many more points with many less efforts.
  4. Thats a huge diference... further I kill my 17XX Mhz card benching. At least earned some points before it is death. Thank you Christian
  5. Hi Hwbot! HWbot reply my email and told me just fixed the points, but not fixed yet. Yesterday I did have 923 points So I posted this result http://hwbot.org/submission/2260122_ Nobody posted any result that bring me to drop down my points....as you can check So...I got the 2nd place and the correct was to gain about 30 more points... (923 + 30 ... just consider that my worse score amount the 15 best must go out). HWBot told me just fixed.... so now I have 919 points (I am sure thars wrong)... I claim to you to fix to correct. Thanks in advance (sorry to be posted another thread....will not repeat this again)
  6. Hi Hwboy! Yesterday before to post my last result, i was 923 points... so i posted my last result http://hwbot.org/submission/2260122_ And my points get down to 889 points. Idid have no one decrease in my rankings.... and I just removed and put again, but its not fixed. Please fix this error Thanks p.s. as you can see, i have no one surpassed result and in my sign still shows 923 points
  7. Simply the best 01 ever. You are doing a great work to overclocking community. Keep pushing
  8. That's true brother.... Is the same to achievements... to Enthusiast and Pro or Overclocker league.
  9. No wrapper sove my problem Out of memory (error 7) I got almost 46000 and no validation... only the screen (HD 7970 and 2600K @5980 mhz) HD 7970 stock is better than overclocked to AM3... or you need to be Andre Yang to tell us the secret
  10. 6 USD liter ATM... Is expensive... Minimum salarium is about USD 300 per month... Minimum salarium can buy 50 liters per month (and the guy can not buy food). P.S> o good 30L dewar (MVE) is about 3000 USD.
  11. Great man...you always doing a hard work to overclocking... best regards
  12. Yea...I think will be the way... To remove the indutor and cap and reinstall back the card....or...to build a new Tek9 DCU II edition
  13. I consider you a great overclocker and a "super" friendly to me to the community....and only thing I can do is give thanks to the tip
  14. No friend...sure I am not sad. I am only defending the way I think is more correct.
  15. No friend...I only tryed to show the way I think... People don't need to agreed...and is not forbidden think this way. At democratic place, each one can tell theys own point of view, and mine and from others is the same. I agreed hwbot create the rules and i follow the rules, but to my view rev 3 (when each bench could give you only one result)......was more competitive and fair (As I told...to my point of view).
  16. I do not want to belong to Pro League... At first touch looks good for me, but now, I know there are no the best place to me. I work for Corsair....and the only hardware they provide to me was a couple of PSU, SSD and Ram. Everybody knows that Cpu, Vga and MB was the main hardware is needed to overclock and get boints....but I always bought with my own money... Further I started to work there since less than 3 months ago... So I think my CPU, VGA and MB is not problem from no one... and I keep the idea that this way is plus not to the greater overclockers....but to who haves conditions to play multi cards... If you do not agree....I understand and no comments... Is easy to agree the another side when you never bench hard to compete against Pro League.... So... to me...my point of view... I am not Pro League I not agreed to add hwboints to more than 1 time per benchmark... Who is both me.... and who is against... is easy to find and understand.
  17. 2 GPUs is 2 times more money...2 times more LN2... Why it was changed to multi scores to diferent settings of cards (2, 3, 4 GPUs?). I am not telling I am the only correct way to think... but I am telling that my way is more competitive....cause ATM I have no 2 cards... Even...4 Way just earn WR extra points... Will keep walking with my only card... but know will be impossible to scale a lit bit more this way.
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