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Everything posted by Mikecdm

  1. Casualties of the country cup. No more Fm2 and still had room to go.
  2. 430, 620, 630 have same core count of like 96. 610 has 48
  3. Still makes no sense to me. If both the 8670D and 7660D are devastator core, how is it that they both can be used?
  4. When I tried aquamark 2.26 or 2.27 in xp with 780 lightning, the bench runs but no wrapper or score afterwards. With 2.51 I get 0 for all scores. With a gtx 580, all versions work fine with both new and old drivers. Just sharing my experience. I got results in w7 already using 2.51
  5. I've killed two 5800k on it and ran a 6800k, board still works fine. The 6800k probably would have died too, had I tried to run 3d benches on it.
  6. I ran mine at near same voltage, still runs great. My chip just doesnt clock as high.
  7. Seems a few are having the same issue. I also encountered the same message and google helped me find the answer. Then I came to this thread and everyone suggested the same thing I had found. Good thing is that although you may have wasted 2 hours, you still have 46 days left
  8. Im over here trying to run an x58 rig and there is a score posted up already
  9. run super pi 32m for country cup
  10. Give the beta benches maxed out global points from the start even with only one submission and you'll see them on the front page everyday.
  11. So for the older FX chips, core would be clawhammer, windsor, san diego, etc.? Unless it's K8?
  12. Congrats to the winners. Awesome job and very interesting competition.
  13. I liked it at 5ghz, takes too long at 4ghz.
  14. Links to wallpaper aren't working for me.
  15. This was my first time at an event like this and there is really nothing that you can do to prepare for it if you haven't ever competed live. I practiced at home and everything was solid but once everything went live, nothing plays out as you had planned. The winners were pretty much those who were able to make the best out of the situation. Almost everyone that tested the hardware at home said it was solid, but at the event we were all having a difficult time running the ram correctly. My cpu was faster than several yet I probably had one of the worst times. I was planning on freezing the ram, but the way things were going, I figured it'd be safer to just run them on air. The experience was amazing though. It was nice to meet everyone and the MSI staff was awesome. Congrats to the winners, one can really appreciate the effort and hard work that it takes to win at an event like this and for T0lsty to do it at back to back event, thats just incredible.
  16. I was under the impression that open fire wasn't permitted in the building. Unless you want it for some other reason.
  17. Lucky for you guys, I leave my house at 1pm on the 16th and arrive at 9pm on the 17th.
  18. Mikecdm

    eVc ordering

    That thing looks to cool, I want to buy one too.
  19. Since everything as far as leagues stays the same and those who don't want to participate will still have a ranking system, I welcome the addition of this new competition format. I think that 3 month rounds is a bit too long, but I suppose it gives plenty of time to run 5 benches.
  20. Apparently if it the result says that, then it's not valid, or so i've been told.
  21. I had more issues than thay, got 800+ nature and cant figure it out
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