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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Not sure if this is a R5 bug or not, but... if I click "benchmarks->videocard" there is no Unigine heaven benchmarks listed. Also, if I search for "unigine" I get three hits, DX11, DX9 and just "unigine heaven". The first one goes here: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/unigine_heaven_/ - and as you can see, that page does not exist.
  2. You'd have to connect the graphs to the benchmark run, then. There's nothing in what you say that will connect the CPUZ log to the actual benchmark run. Should be possible to let the rig idle for a couple of minutes and then make the screeshot?
  3. I could've done that 32m stage alone ffs... Like the UCBench stage a few months ago
  4. You're all sandbaggers... I know it. Hopefully the guy I'm cheering for doesn't kill my CPUs He's benching atm too This is high school style... paper due next week? Do everything the evening before!!
  5. ...don't forget you won't receive your prizes until a few months later another reason not to invest in such competitions. I agree that there should be plenty of competitions without vendor specific requirements, but if a vendor is doing this alone, I think that's the only way to do it. There's one downside to limiting clocks in the OC league that has not been mentioned. What if someone in the OC league actually finds a golden chip. So, he wants to push the chip - but he can't post his results here without moving to the pro league. That alone creates the need for another site, for people without sponsors who don't want limitations - or being forced to participate against sponsored guys on a regular basis.
  6. There's a gt530 on UK ebay, I think.
  7. If it's allowed now, that decision cannot be undone later. Remember that all the pcmark05 tweaks you guys came up with were not allowed even with the old set of rules - so it's not like we're disallowing tweaks that were previously allowed. We're just doing a better job investigating the better results now.
  8. No matter how you look at it you can still import hardware. I think 95% of my gear arrived from either USA or Germany.
  9. Norway is ultra-dead:D
  10. None of the guys you listed were forced because of skill level. It's not allowing XOC-guys to compete with the pros I'm against, I'm against forcing them. Viss wanted to, so he applied. The top dogs get their sponsorships because of skill, but that doesn't mean we have to force unsponsored guys to join the pro league. If you're talking about team efforts, sharing inside the team is OK. If you're competing for a team (for team points only!) it does not matter who owns what piece of hardware, the team is considered one unit. Selling one chip within a team (team as in a complete team, not Pro team) is fine - but if Andre then starts using the same chip, or you sell it to some other guy a week later after benching it, we'll have to start asking questions. If we find it more likely that the selling process is to make team points rather than a "genuine" sale, where you buy the chip because you plan to keep for a long time, we could end up blocking some scores and banning people for a while - yes. It's very simple. Just don't push the limits, and you're all fine. Nobody buys a golden chip just to keep it for a week... unless there is a clever plan behind it. NOW you can get a high ranking based on strange HW, but not after the change has been implemented (rev 5). You're talking about today's situation, and there is a change coming. 20 points pr benchmark means max 300 total, which will not give you a good ranking in ANY league. Also, i do not think you'll get 20 for the REALLY "unpopular" rankings, up to 10 subs you'll get like 10 I think. Those scores are worth 10 points. It's more or less boot'n'run to get 10 points in any other rankings anyway, and as I've already said: getting a top spot is usually not that easy once there are competitiors. Also, a 10 point score means it's not that good - compared with the 100++ you get for certain other top spots. I'll give you a reason to not want to join the pro league: expenses Even if I'd make it to the top of the XOL based on the HW i run these days i would NEVER want to join the pros, as I do not care about binning those expensive chips. I'd rather spend $20 pr chip and buy 15 of older, cheap models than spending 300 on some 3770k. If the pro league fits my view on OCing, then maybe - but it would have to be seriously grinding oriented, then. Putting me in the pro league would not be comparing apples to apples at all, based on the hardware I prefer to bench. Another reason: hardware points don't count in the pro league. I fight for HW points only. Why would I care to join then? The people I fight against are in the HW masters league, not the pro league.
  11. I do see the problem if the idea is that Kingpin and the other hardcore pros will compete in the XOL again, as well as the NEW Pro League. Is that confirmed? That sounds odd to me. I also agree to the fact that promotion to the Pro league (whatever shape it has) must have some skill requirement, UNLESS you've got a ton of sponsors. Forced promotion because of skill is still no-no if you ask me. Because of heavy sponsorship - yes. If arisitids, sofos and others in the XOL need a challenge, they should be allowed to apply for any Pro league/tournament. That solves your issue there. Same with enthusiast league guys who need more challenges. Everyone can push themselves with the current system. If you buy andre's best chip there's no problem at all - he's not in your team. Passing a chip around to several members within the same team IS an issue. Selling to a teammate is fine - in theory. If the purpose behind the sale is solely to increase team points (and the same chip has been used for submissions already) it's starting to be at least unethical. Difficult to prove, yes - but the rule is there, anyone with some common sense can see that selling a chip from one team member, and then to another, and another and so on is not a good idea when we have the sharing rules we have - it looks very suspiscious. Remember that it's not up to US to prove that HWBot submissions are not legit, it's up to the users to satisfy OUR demand for evidence if there is a problem. You wont be able to get a high ranking solely based on obscure hardware anymore. A few "free" points perhaps, but again: free points are everywhere. We can't eliminate that part of the game, as it would mean that only maybe the top 5% of scores would get points, which is too little. I don't force anyone to think like me, but to tell a bencher that "ok ,you have to move a step up because you are too good" is still "VERY VERy VERY VERY" unfair to that person. You should ONLY be forced because of vendor related things.
  12. I don't think the HWBot definition of being a "Pro" is directly related to skill, and I think it should be that way. It would be ridiculously unfair to be promoted against your will because you achieve good results. In most other real life situations it's related to financial gains in some way, for example a professional soccer player is a soccer player who plays soccer for a living. Amateurs don't, if anything they get some cash to cover travelling expenses maybe. In between you've got the semi-pros, which are hard to define properly. We've already got THREE leagues, plus HW masters, which should be enough for most overclockers. If you're a noob you should have realistic goals. We've got top-xxx achievements that work kinda like leagues (those who reached certain levels are listed, others not - not to mention all the other skill-related achievements, cups and medal count for example). The problem with borrowing a CPU from a friend is that why you borrow it is not really relevant. Like, if I borrow Andre's best chip because I'm too lazy to bin myself is no different than if you borrow one from a friend because you do not have the money for a new chip - and allowing this would mean that cherry samples would be used by many members within a team. It would be easier for poor ocers because of less expenses, but the same rules must apply to rich overclockers, too - so if you can do it in your team, we must be allowed to do the same in Team PURE. End result: the team with the best binned chip(s) wins. The obscure ranking points will be fixed in the next revision, but not as much as you want to (and from benching in such rankings for many years posting thousands of scores my experience says that your limit of 10/20 subs before points are rewarded is absolutely wrong - often it's very hard to get top spots in obscure rankings, people fight hard for those points even when the number of benchers is low). It's also wrong when you look at other rankings, You need no skill at all to get 10++ points per benchmark in popular categories. By your same logic those scores should not get any points either. We've already had the multi-GPU discussion, and the "grace period" of new hardware had a poll somewhere. Nearly nobody thought this was a good idea, and I agree. You can save up cash for the release, and import it if necessary. If not, just accept the fact that you will drop a few rankings in the first month or so after the release. Huge releases don't happen often anyway, so it's not really a huge problem.
  13. Quoted from the comments in the score thread: "Christian Ney says: 180 days ago – tweak level = 0 <br/> <br/> Storage Caching ;)" This is probably one of the things we've discussed internally but forgotten to add to the rules. I suggest blocking this one (and other ones that uses ramdisk/cache) until the rules page is fixed and a newspost has been posted. It's not fair play if you can use tweaks specifically listed as not allowed, and you're almost the only one who knows about it.
  14. I would say "stock cooling" means the same cooler that comes with the CPU, so it should - strictly speaking - be classified as "air cooling" if you use a heatpipe cooler on the older K( cpus that came with alu sinks. However, as Mr. Scott said, it really doesn't matter. Perhaps we could even merge the two.
  15. Let's find those numbers. If this TW score is alot higher than what's reasonable, then whatever tweak was used must be published - I'm pretty sure we agreed on that when this was discussed As for the txt file thingy, it really SHOULD be mandatory.
  16. I don't think there will be competitions based on REALLY obscure hardware. Midrange GPUs/CPUs from current/last generation should be quite easy to resell, too - especially in countries with generally low income. Even here it's easier for me to sell a 2600k/P67 combo than 3930k/X79, for example.
  17. I'm definately not going this year. Too many other things to do...
  18. We're working on it. Please be patient.
  19. Haha, power on - 60 points... done that Actually did it a long time ago, but didn't post to avoid being put in the pro league
  20. I agree to these reason for that error: "heat/vcore/edge of stability" - and of thse, the easiest one to deal with is vcore, so yes - messing with vcore is perhaps the best thing to do first. I don't exactly remember what sort of MacGyver questions I used to ask here and there. Been a while since I gave up:p
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