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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. That's what the rules state, and any moderator must be able to give a judgement. At the moment you have two groups of people: those who know the tweak(s) and use them (and are therefore biased because they gain something from having them allowed), and those who don't know and obviously don't use them (and are therefore biased because they lose points/rankings vs those who know the tweaks). if we decide to go by the people who use the tweaks while keeping them secret, we don't know if it's a biased opinion or not. In fact, we don't know in either case - which means we should look for solid proof to be able to make the correct decision. We could always vote on this, too. Allow or disallow tweak x, and a separate poll for y etc. If the majority of the forum members want to keep these things in the system in an unferified state, then maybe we could do just that. Public opinion is a valid point. Personally I'd vote a hard "no" in all cases until I've got a chance to investigate this myself.
  2. Then show us how they're done so we can actually figure out if something is not right:p The question here is if we just go by trust and say OK, or if we investigate properly. IMO any tweak that gives an insane boost should be disallowed until it's 100% sure that it's indeed legal, even if it means that some people do hard work only for the benefit of everybody. benefit of the doubt doesn't exist when you see such things as text edit and transparent windows. Hell, make that web page rendering as well. Powertoy saved the wmv-related subtest, and the explanation related to raidexpert saved that one as well. Personally I'd prefer that we blocked all subs with these unverified tweaks. A gain of a few percent can be easily explained by normal efficiency tuning, when a score goes up by more than 10% it raises an eyebrow or two. I mean, increase nature FPS the way web page rendering or text edit scores have gone up and you'll see what I mean:p The only way to investigate properly is to be able to dig into it ourselves. Sadly, those who spent their clever minds to figure everything out, it makes their work give them less of an edge than they hoped for, but it's the only option we have left if we want to keep at least global points for this benchmark.
  3. Yep, there is a helpcenter here. Use it. it's very simple, add a ticket with a CPUZ valid, and it's all good.
  4. Yeah, we need to check if all these super tweaks are indeed legal. Hopefully they are, if not... hell will break loose in terms of blocking scores and such.
  5. 9 weeks since the stage I won ended Gigabyte even upgraded their lineup since the end of the competition. So, basically the prizes are not even from the must current series... rofl. The way this should've been handled is "stage over" -> "contact winners for shipping details" -> "ship parts". Done. No need to wait till the end of the competition to send the stage prizes, a stage is also a standalone competition - no scores posted in august could change anything related to a stage that ended in July. And also no need to hold the prizes for at least 3 weeks after the end of the competition. You may wonder if prizes will ever be shipped... or if Z89 will be out first. This is tragic... haha. I feel sorry for the other winners, and I'm somewhat ashamed of being a part of the moderating crew when I see this. I actually hoped some of you other guys had received your stuff, and it was just me who had to wait now.
  6. If you change the CPU model, and then back to what it's supposed to be, I think it works. Annnoying bug that's been here for a few years, and is still not fixed.
  7. Mine seem to updte fine, gained a couple during the past weeks.
  8. I blocked both subs. Sucks I can recalculate the challenge scoreboard. Wrote an explanation in English, I wonder if there will be any response...
  9. I think all engineering samples are detected as ES. I got Opteron 1389 ES, Phenom 945 ES, and a bunch of these Athlon II ones. They're all the same, says 00 TWKR. There were a few on ebay a long time ago. Priced in the mid 20's. I noticed that they seemed to be, but I did a mistake - I was actually hoping they were real Phenoms, but didn't check the batch codes properly...
  10. Yep I need to take a photo of these someday so people don't think i'm making all this up.
  11. It sucks that these two won their challenges when their results are incorrect. Maybe I should delete both?
  12. Another thing... I said I can't edit, that's because the deadline has passed. That has to be a bug, you should always be able to edit incorrect frequencies etc. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS
  13. Well, if I could edit the scores neither of those results are winning subs, as they are 0.3 and 0.34mhz above the limits.
  14. Nice. Wish my Interlagos chips actually had some performance in them... can't beat this - getting worse score than with 2 magny cours despite running 4ghz vs 3.6... Guess I have to wait for my supermicro 4p board
  15. I ran a few times without reboot, and at some point the driver recovered. I guess that could be the reason. Either that, or Win 7 isn't tuned for this platform. Ran Systeminfo 4.11, yes.
  16. It's not a problem. If you make photos later, we will just leave in reported subs list. But yes, it is correct that you need to show a photo of the benching rig used. Why on earth would we ask for this if you could just grab a random picture off the web instead?
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