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Everything posted by bolc

  1. Nice score man ! Are these Elpida Hyper starting in 6 6 5 18 1t trfc=52 ? I have been through ddr2 d9gmh and ddr3 psc or samsung, but have no clue for elpida hyper how much i can tighten timings, secondaries tertiaries in particular... Cheers
  2. Hi. I had 9.031 but the stupid screenshot got corrupted :( we are both at 9.047 for now :D
  3. if u haven t tried: delete your 2 scores and resub the highest 7350, by retyping all the info. Do not use a previous sub info, which can m,ess up things around
  4. another example of double sub for the same user https://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark11_physics/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_1668&cores=4#start=0#interval=20
  5. https://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark11_physics/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_1668&cores=4#start=0#interval=20 the double sub does not get points but removes medals to the following users eventually.
  6. this screen answers it cpu-z reads well won t buy Es then and few folks here will have to become Elite http://hwbot.org/benchmark/cpu_frequency/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_5773&cores=8#start=0#interval=20
  7. that was my understanding, current ES = elite (current = 9xxxk, but also the other 1151?) is cpu-z 1.86 telling the right thing (Es or not) regarding 9900K, or we should wait for 1.87 ?
  8. Hi all, not sure if this is the right place but the question comes down to the league in the end. So i thought it might be good here. I was thinking buying a 9900K ans was proposed a piece based on a cpu-z screenshot, telling it is ES hardware. Then I took a look at the latest subs on Hwbot for 9900K and I see ES everywhere, for folks in the Extreme and Elite leagues. Is cpu-z mislabelling retail as ES? Or are Extreme benchers using ES while they should be Elite (or need to be promoted Elite) ? Before I buy, I'd like to know. Thanks
  9. Sweet functionnlity this recalculation button for a specific benchmark ! well done hwbot men !
  10. having the right frequency written helps to know if your score is in line with the efficiency of others or not. I generally open several subs similar or very different than mine to check details, see what ram timings/frequency were used, to get some idea if I can do better or not. but I don t do it for all of them... and i stumbled on yours and these 10 mhz (and your ram settings) which explained your better score. it is not a funny work indeed, but if GeorgeStorm catches this train and needs some help for those boring jobs in the future, if I can be helpful, let me know
  11. offer a better way to proceed for: - incorrect subs not having all the data displayed - typo errors and i will be happy to follow it. plus if you d like to have clean comments for this sub, i can also delete my messages best regards
  12. don't see bad intentions where there aren't i did not moderate anyone, i simply gave an info. no big mistake, nothing to report, nothing very important either, and very well indeed only 10 Mhz out of 5710ish but one may want to have a clean record, and have clean records throughout hwbot database?
  13. hi. it is 5721 Mhz, if you wish to correct/edit the sub
  14. http://hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi_-_32m/rankings?start=0&hardwareTypeId=processor_2263#start=0#interval=20 With #6 rank I get slightly more points = 10 than #5 = 9.8.. maybe because my frequecny is 300 mhz lower but I almost get his score? should be a bug not specific to this cpu, hence why I find useful reporting it so you can dig into it ++
  15. this score makes my head spin... perf level = 5 and 2080 cas6 kill them all ?
  16. try quentincc
  17. price drop
  18. I know you can get those licenses for 20 on steam or what not. but add to 3D licenses those for gb3, gb4, pcmark, etc. add the dice or ln2 for extreme users. the hardware can cost a lot more but some here don t buy new hardware and may not loose money on it after reselling. others break hardware torturing it, and I guess that s why they are in the top 100, being pro or semi-pro holding 3x gtx 2080 they didn t pay. some others may not. we make use of the software not so much because we want to (although I love spi32m, cbr15 and x265 for instance ;)), but because you require it. of course 3D bench softwares require(d) a lot much more efforts to make than y-cruncher, hwbot prime, super pi, wprim etc, which I am sure went through a lot of hard work anyways. although the authors of 3D benchs surely have lots of merit and skills, for enthusiasts, which are 99% of the crowd here, buying licenses they may use only a few times does not seem "realistic".
  19. Hi all, I am wondering whether this was ever thought or not, and if that could be implemented... for competitions such as the current team cup, a valid link is often necessary for 3dmark products, for instance for 3d11 performance, 3d11 extreme, fire strike normal, ultra, extreme, time spy, etc I do not hold valid keys for some of those and find prohibitive, not to say something else, to buy all the necessary keys to post one score I may never bench ever again... for instance 3d11 extreme, I never do that one but for the cup, stage 7 ddr3 requires it. my question comes here: since hwbot calls for validation links, would it not be an option, and somewhat desired, to have at hand temporary licensed keys offered by 3dmark, for the time of the competition and getting invalid as soon as it ends, to benchers that participate ? Cheers
  20. To sell 4 sticks of 512 Mb DDR1 3200 CAS2 2x CMX512-3200C2 v5.2 2x CMX512-3200C2PT v5.2 First kit does spi16M 250 2.5 3 3 6 1T 2.85 V Second kit aroundish 230-235 15eur for the 4 sticks, + shipping costs within EU
  21. Give me 5 ! I take ! Which pcb are the ripjaws xh, ST I suppose ? Pm sent
  22. GG ;) tu peux aussi poster le score single thread du meme screen :)
  23. the appcrash on saving, I had this too ibeleive on 3.1.x or 3.2 but not on 3.1 hence i stuck with 3.1 for the 3.x and with 3.3.2 legacy for the 3.3.x... u tried 3.1 i guess? I still have to try this : put hpet off in the bios and the os and see if gpupi 3. xcan start on am2...
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