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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Protip: Buy your own stuff and you are beholden to only yourself
  2. how about 2D Mark
  3. Splave

    AMD FX-8350 - Easy 8GHz!

    what do you think it would run 32m at
  4. did you try 2800 at your original timings might be interesting
  5. tRP 7 possible at all bully? great find seems bbse is incredibly rare now
  6. True happiness is reached when there is no ddr4 in your life Good call man
  7. Splave 7M 19.344 [5960x], Ram @ 1600 ~ 11-13-15-14 Kingston is strong! Seems legit
  8. its a whole new world http://hwbot.org/submission/2871702_splave_rom_superpi___32m_fx_8120_15min_22sec_875ms
  9. 7 out of 9 do 3200 c11 here
  10. Splave

    Rare mem for sale!

    any screens of the gtx2 interested
  11. you have atleast two friends that have decent PSC no?
  12. thread needs more pictures
  13. Firekiller when you run is it just looking like a black screen with score bar underneath? this is how it looks for me when I get it to bug to 3k at 1575/1600. I think it happens when very high volts + instability for me 1.55v on water
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