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Everything posted by Splave

  1. looks like you are ready bull! these the ones that do 1.60 set in bios 3200c12?
  2. cool idea, can it be the same user? I hope or small teams have no chance
  3. I think all the mods should post their cell phone numbers
  4. you can use a heatgun and bend it back no problem if it bends Also vivi has the right idea but I use scraper razor blades they have a blunt side. Seems better if you dont push hard just get the corners loose first then little by little on the sides. my 2 cents I have 25+ under my belt without death.
  5. 4x4 is better on Asus it seems, on ocf uneed to tighten the right mem timings
  6. Thanks guys, very supportive bunch of people here appreciate it greatly
  7. Difficulty is only relative to the user. 32m is easy for me. Single card fse more difficult. More people benching 2d then award more points to 2d because there is more competition. VGA expenditures is causing a rift in 2d vs 3d. Also if you have deep pockets you can still bench air 4 way and get wr points no problem, how is that fair compared to someone working hard to push 2d on ln2. I think it's fine the way it is now.
  8. thanks men, BSOD on save file is soo funny can only laugh
  9. are you tired of the memory page of bios yet? haha
  10. Uh oh youve seen too much
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