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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. Are you sure about all 4 zzolio? One of the resistors are probably linked to RT - switching frequency. For total OCP we have only pin #2 on regulator uP1981A and for channel OCP we have pin #30. Should be enough to short those 2 pins to ground. This is how I have benched, but I saw no difference at all before/after on PE/OC card. For pinout I'm using http://ceemic.pri.ee/hardware/datasheets/uP6208.pdf which should be the same, I'm sure you've looked here too.
  2. No silicone... argh I started to like this cpu. Delidding is not for me!
  3. Thx. It's dead now lol. I actually cracked the core, I think with too much mounting pressure despite ihs on.
  4. ^ CL 4 is a bug. But try cl5 twcl 6,7 or 8 for high MHz screenshots at low cas. What motherboard did you use, Mpower? Any special insulation? I have vaselined my board to hell but only failed so far when going cold on memory.
  5. Ticket ID: 1739 Priority: Low Title speaks for it self. Thanks!
  6. Oh I can see how this will work "Hi ASRock, my cpu can't overclock to 5 g, what's wrong?" "Hi ASRock, how do I flash bios?" "Hi ASRock, todays it's raining outside can you do something about that?"
  7. Nice chip for dice cooling. Any plans for ln2?
  8. Andreat, sell that crap quick That's extremely bad. Better luck with next cpu!
  9. feel sorry for you bro. I don't think it's time to start bin haswell yet, waiting for better batches.
  10. looking forward to that
  11. ^looks really good. My chip needs 1.75 volt and -55 for that freq.
  12. Doesn't all mid to high end mobos support SLI anyway?
  13. ^ benching 32M on haswell:
  14. Go for latest F5q with Z87X-OC, I like this bios the most so far. And to not go completely offtopic here's my Malay-something retail with crazy volts on single stage. Ln2 switch ftw http://hwbot.org/submission/2394365_calathea_cpu_frequency_core_i7_4770k_5954.38_mhz
  15. Woah that sucks. Of course, still a very good 24/7 cpu lol. I do also wonder, what to bin for... voltage on air seems out of the question.
  16. Bulgarian AMD master! Nice work :celebration:
  17. Hello DOM. I've used the regular MPower Z87. 6 GHz was easy with crappy cpus, just rememer to set VCCIN at 2.5 or above with 1.7-1.8 vcore. LN2 switch did not help with anything. Also try with iGPU enabled, I read that it could mprove cold bug. keep uncore and ram below 5000 and 1300 to start with.
  18. Interesting memory, trcd 9? No samsung can do that right?
  19. Seems like we will bench MOA class B yet again on GTX560 Ti-448 with cold bug right? No bios in sight?
  20. Can't complain about that lucky draw. Very nice. Now good luck in semi-finals people, see you there!
  21. Wow great great news for me. Been looking to upgrade my multi rail psu to powerful single rail for months!
  22. At least most of us all have bad cpus Makes for good competition anyway.
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