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Everything posted by DrWeez

  1. only draw back to a booth is everyone must be out the hall by 6pm. hopefully you can make a plan for us all night idiots
  2. Only used once:(
  3. DrWeez

    Dewar flask (+-) 5l

    i have a 5L Dewar that i don't use but shipping might be as much as the dewar. drop me a Pm and we can talk
  4. scary message for anyone who just shelled out 1200 euro :D
  5. Hi, after rushing into the B-Die binning crazy and bought 3 kits with the local currency taking a dive I need to let them go. Both will train at 1933 cl13 but i did not have the will to fine tune them for 32m stable and to tell you the truth I just ran out of patients for BDIE and will be moving back to AFR for the pro cup. your mileage could be a lot better or worse. Price 165 euro per kit or 310 for both kits + shipping shipping with DHL, aramex or EMS and will accept paypal (you pay the fees) or bank transfer check the Armex link for an estimate on shipping. should be around 20 to 30 Euro to Europe for DHL/Armex and half that for EMS but lets qet an exact figure.
  6. Holy sheet! Can't use my rands for that 0.o Awesome job Roman just awesome!
  7. points for steponz! no wonder the weather is weird today. nice one slacker
  8. I flashed in Windows yesterday works fine. just run cmd as administrator and power off once done.
  9. Weird that they are dead but not an issue, just to be safe I re ran and was able to better my score with xoc=0 happy days
  10. Cool, better retest quick with HT
  11. Ok cool, just don't want you to get caught with no time to redo the score Under the general rules that apply to all the stages (the way I understand it) Hardware Restrictions Memory: Kingston Technology or HyperX CPU: Intel Skylake, 4c/4t only (disable HT on Core i7-6700K)
  12. Nice dude, hyper threading is enabled! This could get removed not sure but just a heads up.
  13. Question! with CPUz if you set XOC to 1 then it dose not pick up the XMP details is the going to be an issue? example. XOC =0 http://valid.x86.fr/fj1at4 kingston XMP info available. XOC =1 http://valid.x86.fr/a7u0gc no kingston XMP name in memory the xmp details also do not show in cpuz but the workaround was to have two copies and use the XOC = 1 version to validate and XOC 0 to show SPD.
  14. the Hero should be about the same as the Gene if not better. I can do a quick compare between the two this week/weekend for you if you like?
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