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Everything posted by Fasttrack

  1. Fasttrack


    Although I am not interested in this chip, I will just drop my 2 cents here @unityofsaints correctly mentioned the warranty issue. But it is not only that. A lapped chip, as an ES chip, have a very narrow resale target group of potential buyers. The reason is that someone paying 1400 Euros for a chip will most probably want to resell it at some point, when new generations come out. Leaving HWBOT aside, ANY other marketplace with such chips ( eBay ), they simply do not sell. So, all in all, finding a buyer willing to pay now 1400 euros and be left with a, possibly, non reselable item, is a serious issue. Other than that, a remarkable cpu indeed.
  2. Try eBay mate. Lots of nuts there paying high $$$, if you have a substantial positive feedback. With 0 feedback here ( no offence meant ) and just a few pictures you will not find a buyer for good $$$. To give you a clue, I offer 700 Euros with PayPal NON friends and family.
  3. Better to try eBay. People here buy HW parts with proven OC details. This is a very special card to fork out money without knowing what it can do.
  4. Although it is trully hard to believe, even in the Court of Law, someone is considered innocent until otherwise proven. Moderators can ask for more proof to verify.
  5. Please close. Thank you for the space.
  6. What the title says. Thanks
  7. Thread can be closed. @Matt26LFC THANK YOU !
  8. Pm incoming Matt
  9. Looking for very high binned 8700K or 8086K. Cpu must do at least 5.5ghz on ambient water with 1.40V or less, tested on Apex X or XI. Pm if you have something. Thanks.
  10. It is easy to come first in every kind of race when noone else is running, lol :)
  11. Free bump for cpu n.2, which is almost similar. 500 is a steal guys for such a processor.
  12. Reporting first experience of the 3900X I bought from Alex ( cpu n.1 ) Asus Crosshair VIII Impact, G.Skill Neo 3800C14, custom water cooling loop. Mems stock, very basic tuning. 4.65ghz with 1.325V, FCLK 1900, steady like a rock on CBR15, CBR20, Wprime 1024. 4.7ghz is possible with 1.385V with full stability, but it was too damn hot today ( 29c ). I expect to see with fine tuning on DICE over 5ghz. BIG thank you to Alex
  13. Greece - Thessaloniki Zenith II Extreme. Will send e-mail. Thanks
  14. Questions : T-Rex compatible with new Threadrippers ? If yes, what would be ( approximately ) a delivery time for a blue T-Rex and an inferno ? I have already registered to your site Regards, George
  15. Your generosity exceeds by far your reputation and technical skills !!! This is a paradigm of true leaders and an inspiration for the rest. Big congrats.
  16. Very low frequency for subzero cooling Less than average chip it seems.
  17. @_mat_ A bit confused here. Help will be appreciated. Preparing my Asus X570 Impact with 3900X and 3950X for benching. I hear opinions here and there and I would like some responsible answer from the man responsible for Benchmate. Is benchmate obligatory for benching Ryzen ( AMD ) processors on Windows 10 ? If yes, What is the latest version of Benchmate to use and where can I download it from ? And what about benchmarks that are NOT covered by Benchmate ( Geekbench for instance ). Are those run without Benchmate or they are totally forbidden ? Thanks man
  18. I will take n.1 Alex You have pm. George
  19. As per the title. If someone owns such a card, in good condition, I am interested. Box and accessories are not a must but if they exist it will be a plus. Thanks.
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