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Everything posted by Fasttrack

  1. Jason, let's see from you a WR. Great work man :)
  2. Motherboard sold to @suzuki Paid. Thank you very much. Thread can be closed. Thank you for the space HWBOT.
  3. Motherboard is reserved.
  4. The notorious " USB over current protection - system will shutdown in 15 seconds " appeared out of the blue during a restart, on ambient water. With no USB devices connected. I am no Lab technician, so the option to perform fuse shorting or whatever does not exist. Also, the notorious BAD Asus support, did not care one bit to suggest a repair or replacement. So, here it is. I know that there are super talented lab engineers that will repair this board in a few minutes. I am looking for 150 Euros, just for the board. Shipping depends on country and method of shipping. I only accept PayPal. Pictures are useless. Nothing to show actually.
  5. It is your punishment for abandoning benching for so long :))))) Ahaha, LMAO. Welcome back brother
  6. Would you consider a pristine I9-7900X ( 10 cores ) ? Delidded professionally and resealed, 4.8ghz on ambient water with 1.24V and LLC6 on Apex VI and 5.3ghz on DICE with 1.325V and LLC7 ( With KPX blue paste ). No box available.
  7. Please close - Both found and bought. Thank you for the space.
  8. I suppose that Seasonal Ranking exists only for HWBOT's statistics. To see the true number of participants for a year. Other than that, I sincerely can't see any importance at all in Seasonal Ranking. Career ranking yes, Team Ranking - DEFINITELY YES.
  9. Folks, since you all have so many Asus Apex XI boards, and my fucked up one decided to give me - USB over current detected - why don't you sell me a pristine board and I will take the cpu of Mahaudi too ? Come on
  10. Z390 Evga Dark + Asus Apex XI Want both. Offers
  11. Anyone got the dreaded " USB overcurrent protection - system will shut down in 15 secs " message with error code 55 On Apex XI that is.
  12. My deepest respect _Mat_. We are all thankful for your effort. Being a ten year old member, I have to point out though, that we ( the simple members who can't have any influence on decisions taken ), suffer. Let me put it very simply. And this does not apply to GB versions only. Personally I have bought all versions and have them licensed. A fairly popular benchmark. As was XTU. As was PC mark 05. Thousands of members ( like myself ), invested money and time. And one day, for reasons beyond us ( the simple members ), a benchmark ( or more ) is obsolete and unknown number of submissions ( per member ), become pointless. OK. Fair enough. I will not be the one to judge or make criticism on decisions. But if next year the 2000 active members of 2019, drop to 1000, lets not be surprised. My post does not have to do in the slightest with your efforts. I was triggered by your last line that Albrecht promised to remove GB points. I hope Alby chimes in and give an explanation if HWBOT really intends to do that. Respect
  13. Up
  14. F5
  15. Bump
  16. Up
  17. High binned I7-7700K required. 5.5ghz core / 5.1 cache at 1.45V or less on ambient ( true ambient - no crap screenshots ) 5.4ghz core / 5.0 cache at 1.38V or less. Both suit me. Prefer boxed version.
  18. THIS ^^^
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