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Everything posted by Fasttrack

  1. Very interesting Subscribed. Best wishes for this business effort.
  2. Sold Thank you for the space HWBOT. Thread can be closed.
  3. Bump
  4. Replied.
  5. And up we go
  6. Apologies for intervening This cpu was mine and I sold it to Stavros and Phil. It does 5.6ghz core, 5.1 cache on Apex X with 1.47V LLC6 on strong water loop at 22c ambient. CBR15, Wprime 1024 e.t.c. Multiple runs. Hope I helped.
  7. Up again
  8. Bump
  9. Up
  10. Bump
  11. First and last price drop. Brand new, open box Asus Maximus Gene XI. 265 Euros shipped. No more price drops. If it does not sell, I keep it. Price is firm.
  12. Pictures added.
  13. Brand new. Tested only for working and updated to latest bios. Purchased for a mini PC project, which did not materilaze. Full bundle. Everything sealed. 280 265 Euros shipped with Greek Post office, registered and with tracking number. Payment thru : 1) Bank Transfer 2) PayPal friends and family or buyer covers fees. Item is located in Greece. Private sale, no returns, warranty not DOA. I can't offer any other warranty as a private.
  14. I strongly believe that most users care. My humble opinion is that the whole issue of changing League structure or not, maybe - just maybe, has not been adequately presented to the wide audience. A thread in the forums, without any special notice to look at, is difficult to attract many readers. Only members following things on a nearly daily basis ( and that is for older experienced HWBOT members ), were/are able to find and read the thread. Just my 2 cents Alby.
  15. Wow, A tie indeed ! 2% voted for, 2% voted against and 96% are either still sleeping under a rock or shrugged their shoulders and went for a beer, lol ?
  16. ^^^^^^^^ Love the humor Michael Free bump for a great man, friend and seller !
  17. You have pm Davide
  18. Unless I miss something, shouldn't this very imprtant thread be a sticky ? Even at HWBOT's main page ? Thank you.
  19. Fasttrack

    TR 3990X

    @_mat_ Since you are such a high IQ person ( obviously, to say the least ), you certainly know that the only language in the world that never lies is mathematics. Statistics is a vital part of math science. And official statistics HERE, show an accelerated pace of less active members year to year, reaching as low as less than 2000 for 2019. It is not my job but also it is not yours either to find out what has caused this. Leading a Team of 360.000 employees worldwide as Managing director and Vice President of one of the biggest Multi National Investment Banks, I can re-assure you that : Clarity, honesty, hard extended work, innovation, business stability, and personnel dignity are some of the basic elements that attract customers. I have not observed thru the years most of the above. On the contrary - the moto here till a couple of years back could easily be " Take it or f..k off" and a finger pointing to the door. Recently, HWBOT started updating its FB page. I read four time - WE NEED YOU. Well, really... HWBOT and its new owners need us the members for money to survive We need a fair playground to exercise our hobby. There is a vital difference between the two. North pole to South pole.
  20. Fasttrack

    TR 3990X

    No, definitely not my idea of fun. But to be totally honest, I was equally comfortable before Bechmate arrived. But, I will make a more general comment, that is vastly more important than Geek. Ten years ago, I started suspecting a mild decline in benching and overclocking. Five years ago it was verified. A year ago, the decline looked like a steep hill going down by 35%. And now it is freefall. It is not Geek or Benchmate to blame. Will not expand the discussion more, since this thread is irrelevant to my comment. But I can't hold my mind wondering, if and when the New Owners of HWBOT, will present to us a masterplan of evolution. Some guidelines of what to expect. And this is not a personal opinion. First time in its life, the ex - N.1 and currently N.2 Team in the World, has literally stopped benching. Anything. " Wait and see " is the general consensus. Hoping for the best.
  21. Fasttrack

    TR 3990X

    I am one of the members that has invested lot of time in Geekbench 3 and 4. Possibly my opinion is not of high importance - I am an amateur bencher on DICE. One point that impresses the most is that top binners selling cpu's and mem sets, use Geekbench 3 to show to potential buyers what their HW can do ( especially memory sets ). Personally, two top sets that I have purchased from Michael ( @websmile ), one Galax HOF 2018 A1 and one G.Skill A2, were basically advertised using Geekbench 3. I have also paid for licences for all Geekbench benchmarks. I have no reason at all to interfere with _mat_'s work or Mr.Poole. I suppose I can see and understand both sides. Still, it is pretty annoying to remove global or HW points, when such popularity exists. Finally, is the final target of Benchmate to reach a point where, as @Alex@ro said, we "click and run " ? - ALL benchmarks. Pretty demotivating to say the least. Benchmate to replace or minimize moderators work ? Not my taste unfortunately Just my 2 cents folks.
  22. Ping me first brother about " the stuff " you don't longer need. Please
  23. For European byuers, the issue is transport and huge import fees. Otherwise I would have personally bought it from the very first moment. Great deal. Kudos for a good man.
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