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Everything posted by Fasttrack

  1. Yeap. It freezes immediately. And yes I tried to Bclk up and yes I tried thru XTU. Nothing works Another thing I forgot to mention. Two weeks ago, I had installed ( with bios 1.50 back then ) my very good I7-7820X. Had no issue - NONE - running 5.5ghz with 1.42V on the same SS. It even ran 5.4ghz H265 4K with same voltage, without even turning positive not even on one core. Going nuts, lol
  2. Alright then I tried this version of AFD. Nope. I tried back-up bios 1.10. Nope. I updated back-up bios to 1.20. Nope. I tried strap 125. Nope. For some technical reason, the board declines to operate over 5.8ghz. Both on my tried and tested cpu's. 5.8ghz CBR15 1.42V perfect. 5.9ghz system freezes even with 1.58V applied and LLC1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Will leave the tread open, in case some expert besides @bigblock990 comes up with a possible solution. Then I will have to sell the board or use it somewhere else, where less demanding situations exist. I am very unhappy
  3. Not possible. Boot up process stalls and board reboots.
  4. First time with this superb X299 board. I have come across an issue that is at least peculiar to me. Two cpu's - 1) I7-7740X capable of 6ghz on Nachtfalke's 2hp SS, with 1.58V, running anything up there on Asus Apex VI 2) Superb I5-7640X capable of 6.2ghz at 1.57V on same SS and board. On the AsRock with the latest bios 1.60, it is impossible to go beyond 58 multi. Whatever voltage. As soon as I apply 59 in Formula Drive, the whole system freezes and needs hard reset. I would be really thankful for any help given, since it is a wonderful board and I would not like to part with it. Thank you all
  5. Free bump, item n.1 is up for sale again MY GREAT FRIEND "aerotracks" gave me something a bit better. Best seller on HWBOT
  6. Item n.1 on hold, till tomorrow evening please
  7. 1.95V - Well you have BIG BALLS brother :) Some 4133 / 12-11 would certainly improve things a bit more ( I suppose )
  8. Motherboard found and bought. Thread can be closed. Thank you for the space.
  10. DEAD
  11. Less curiosity and more discretion is requested kindly by me ( at least ).
  12. As per the title. I am interested only for the board. If you have the whole bundle with box, it is welcome.
  13. Fasttrack

    Platinum 7640X

    Correct. The previous that I sold had come from Achilleus ( Bala ).
  14. Fasttrack

    Platinum 7640X

    Nope My current I5-7640X does on ambient water 5.6ghz core / 5.1ghz mesh with 1.4V on Apex VI, LLC 6 even XTU. Can do easily 5.7 / 5.2 for SPI32m, PI fast ( all light 2D benchmarks ) and all 3D legacy with 1.42V It is the best of the best I5-7640X ever recorded. Waiting to put it on SS and see what it does. THE CPU IS NOT FOR SALE. Just a reply to @AutisticChris
  15. Lol, a bit unfair challenge. SS, against LN2. Hands down mate - YOU WIN
  16. Yes, I do. @websmile ( Michael ) made sure that I got these beauties ( Galax OC Lab Hall Of Fame Limited Edition - 004 out of 100 ). And many more outstanding mem sets. Friends, I am just setting up the SS. This SUPERB unit, for which I might do a write-up, manufactured by George ( Nachtfalke ). It is a 2Hp unit ( very high quality ). I am in the phase of initial testing. So, I am using HW that I know exactly what it can do and how, in order to make a direct comparison to ambient / water and/or Dice. And yes RTL/IOL was on auto. Thanks all
  17. Thanks :) Mems pre-tested from Sam ( Tapakah ). 4133 tight with 2.00V,lol.
  18. I9-9900K delidded ? Aren't these chips supposed to be soldered ? Thank you for shading some light.
  19. Not interested anymore. Please close. Thank you.
  20. Whether the result should get points or not ( which is none of the members business ), it is an amazing achievement and only superlative congratulations deserve to anyone involved in this result. Congrats is not enough. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT !!!
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