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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. maybe the reason its unchecked at the verification page and therefore not validated by CPUZ
  2. The Corsair compo could have been so much more, it has a strong competitive field of our community members, but nearly no newcomers. You should have seen the reactions on the Discord channels when you posted the placeholder. The newcomers, that is the entire reasoning behind the this whole thread correct? The ommitance of the CPUZ tabs when using BM, to make benchmarking easier and more accessible? My entire point of my previous rant post is is that the level of restrictions laid down by the rules and the required verification screenshot are not the sole cause of the participation level in compos or HWBOT in general. Think about how freakingly expensive Hardware is and even harder to get hold of these days. That's another reason to cherish the legacy benchers, they are a vast value and need to be taken care off. To be competitve you need to indulge yourself in different OSses, tweaks,... like explained before. OC has a hard learning curve and some just don't have the dedication or motivation to get it done... even though OC tools make it soooo much easier versus 10 years ago. Take XTU, so easy to do, but from the 4K subs we get a month, how many continue to come back and start to bench other benchmarks? Many newcomers also think that a one time big investment in the latest and greatest will make them shine, so they will get a sponsorship deal and that they can keep up their ranking by posting a score once in a while. I guess we all know better. It's an attitude that BM nor we can't change... If I was rude, my apologies, I'm not a keyboard guy, I speak from the heart.
  3. Smal derail on the thread, HWBOT stalling? I think the rules set has moved along quite well and are as easy as it gets. If you can't get the hang of it, this is not for you. The Site is more responsive than it was ever before , many bugs have already been fixed. Yeah still tons of work to do, but 2021 is not over yet. Tim is discovering more and more abundant code and deadlocks and is understanding the reasoning behind some "weird" stuff. ... The "with BenchMate" benchmarks will be merged once Mat is ready with an updated version, so users can choose to use the security and easier autofill of BenchMate or submit the traditional way. That would be a nice step forward. If opening 2 CPUZ tabs is a frustrating or non-usefull experience than I guess one needs to look for another hobby. Especially after tinkering for hours/days/weeks to get the software platform and efficiency right. Previous owners had opted to go for non screenshot subs with TImeSpy and rely on a verification link only, I guess that worked out well too right. Who broke TimeSpy? We did, not UL. One made a comparision with vacination. Example: If you enter a venue where they require a particular app on your smartphone, but you show your vaccination card or PCR test result, you might still get refused the entry. Are you vaccinated? yes, but can they refuse your entry? yes. Relying on BenchMate alone will put an ever bigger strain on Mat and his Team if someting doesn't work, not compatible hardware/certification delays or Windows 11 that allows users to mess even more with software emulation and more crap we really don't need in our hobby. BenchMate requires constant updating and hundreds of manhours and if needed rapid fixes/updates. It is something to think about all. I'm a Patron, who else is supporting Mat's great work? Honestly I'm tired of these users that exploit software to get an advantage, they are the reason once more we have this re-ocuring discussion over and over again. Even though they are well aware what they are doing and bending/breaking rules, they always will defend their acts as it's a new found tweak. We need to impose new rules, discuss and in the end people will bring up the same stuff a year or such later.. My 2 cents on OC: It is the complexity of competititve benching, requiring diferent OSses (mainly the pain to get more efficient aka older OSses to work on modern platforms), the search for the correct drivers or enhanced 3rd party software to make a benchmark run faster or to unlock additional features, these are the reasons that really limits newcomers to join our ranks. It is not the opening of 2 CPUZ tabs that puts them off. Running benchmarks and pushing hardware is our passion but it is not entertaining enough to keep a crowd focussed for hours like with gaming. Running a game benchmark might make it more interesting, but we need to rely on raw clocks instead of lowering graphical image quality or other nifty software hacks to boost the ouput score. Game benchmarks could be comparable what the gamers run daily, they can compare their setups to ours. That is for me the only way to boost attractivity, not watching SuperPi loop and seeing it crash while being a tenth of second faster. That is for non OCers pretty boring to monitor. OC is niche and will remain a niche experience, previous owners tried many formats to make it more attractive, we all know how that ended. You understand that the ruling set and such has been evolving over the years thanks to the let us call it again the "creativity of our own community". Loopholing and the egocentrical mindset of some renown big shots is what brought us to this point and are also one of the reasons some vendors pulled back from supporting OC. I find it entertaining that the OP mentioned the Corsair compo, it is running great with nice participation. My Question: why the newcomers don't participate? Answer: if you run your daily setup and get 40K and someone immediately at the start of the compo does a place holder of 83K I guess the game is over... People want to enter to win, there was no chance and not even the prizes would get them over here. They even might label it as cheating or vendor supported, we can't touch these guys so why even bother. It was not the rules nor the verification screenshot requirements that limit participation. Life has rules, so does HWBOT, do we all need to like or agree on them, nope... if you mess up or break them you will have to accept the consequences. Am I the ignorant braindead child still living in the past guy now, yep. Do I care about the previous, nope not anymore...
  4. Clicking 2 cpuz tabs, comon guys really... if you mess up, you mess up...
  5. The simple answer is we will keep on using cpuz tabs on top of BM. CPUZ tabs makes moderation way easier than to zoom in on the benchmate result. CPUZ has legacy OS support. Some questions pop to mind: Do you know where benchmate will be in 2 years? Your proposal will limit us to use benchmarks from the BM suite only If we are fully dependant on one benchmark software tool and something happens from someone of the development team we will be at a deadlock... What do we do with 3D benchmarks ? only show GPUZ ? Our style of Benchmarking is not for the masses, Game benchmarks might be, but users here don't want to download Gigabytes of software that might be bugged by the usual "tweaks"
  6. https://hwbot.org/hardware/psuproduct/rog_thor/
  7. Some motherboards might support DDR4 too with AL, we will see in Q3
  8. Even DDR6 in the end... Free up big M...
  9. It will. Though hold to move onto DDR5, speeds/timings might not be impressive at start... New, platforms, take time to age...
  10. Stage 2: Memory Frequency To avoid detection problems with Cezanne CPUs, usage of CPUZ 1.97 is MANDATORY for this stage Screenshot matches the validation link, no % tolerance Stage 2 OC care package, to be downloaded at this link or via the attached file Stage2.rar
  11. Can you send me some screenies of your working link as for me it is hidden
  12. If you have a better score than one of the team mates, your score will contribute to the average Team score
  13. Even it was 3 it would still not pass :), thx for the updated screenie
  14. Plz provide a screenshot with higher memory clock... accepted variance is 2%...
  15. Stage 2 starts on the 30th of August, overlapping with Stage 1...
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