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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Benchmate screenshot takes full screen so no problem, I guess
  2. The benchmate is not only for RTC bug detection, it has more potential to secure ( critical bechmarks ), easy screenshotting and submitting…. but one step at a time No harm done I guess, _Mat_ is still here: p
  3. I have no idea if the files from the HWBOT or ASUS version are still similar. Will ask for info
  4. @_mat_ Possible to minimize the font of the Cinebenches and reduce the name to eg something in the screenie. Can that result score screen also be moved around and/or partly covered?(read so not always on top) We have to think if all info is required to be shown in the score screen, for me the total score and green approval of Benchmate of the checked run is sufficient Sorry for my crap Paint skilzzzz :p
  5. Works like a charm, fast and furious at its best! @Rauf Rome wasn't build in a day, we have some foundations to start from however some are still solid, some have cracks, some are just missing :p As long as we progress into the right direction and users are happy I'm happy... but one can't please everybody right?... A clean slate would be fab, but too much data would get lost and not everybody benches the latest and greatest as you do. @_mat_ Devroush has asked after the benchmate implementation, I'll tell him to contact you as you have the knowledge of the hows and whats I got almost shot down when I made the suggestion to get CB R20 into the mix Alva, Maybe I need to smile more and people will accept it :p
  6. Yes no more screen clipping, full size desktop screenshot.is what we go for… that would be cool Matt, just ensure that the benchmate doesn't slow down the benchmark too much or you would get some angry OCers chasing you :p
  7. We all know this, but at the moment it's already near perfect to already handle that task, I just look on the ongoing stuff, with BenchMate the new Ryzen crowd can sub with Win10. Benchmark safety and faster and easier submitting will enhance everybodys life.
  8. The past is part of the database HBOT has become, therefore we just can't leave our legacy benchmarks behind. Does modern hardware have to bench them, maybe not , but that's part of the evolution of Hardware: better and faster. But some still love to compete with the old gear on maybe WinXP, they still have to have their share of fun! Hence why I vote for benchmate to be used primarily on Win10 (security and Bug proof) and at alater stage also for 7 (Security)
  9. As you state yourself Matt, no benchmarks is uncheatable, however not everybody here wants to go that deep and try to break the code as you do. Your example of GPUPI is perfect to highlight that we need to go back in time were only a few OSses were required to have fun... and they worked for all that we threw at them. And that's my point of view on Benchmate: it will allow users to have fun with one OS (being it Win10). If it is the most efficient one, that doesn't matter as long as they have fun and can submit and no asshole moderator pulls their scores due to e.g. some timer issue. That is my simple perception on your great software, assuring solid modern OS compatibility with enhanced safety checks (if the benchmarks allows it) Question: If the benchmark is unsafe (in your book) can't Benchmate just verify e.g. the RTC bug ? And no Wprime is not a show stopper, but to drop it, would be a shame. You want to create the Ultimate safety and submission tool Even though applaud your hard work I fear this is utopia as software/hardware changes constantly. I have a lot of members in my team that can't get 0.71 nor 0.8 working on Win7, but all of them got it working on Win10. Why bother with 7, heck even XP? Everybody has trimmed down OSses, no idea if they want to drop those Lite versions and maybe loose efficiency on eg WinXP for SuperPI 32M Maybe focus for now just on Win10 and try to get a few more 2D and 3D benches in. Just imagine we have to organise a Team CUP with only 6 2D benchmarks and 3 3D benchmarks in your approved benchmark suite... That would be a boring competition right? I can follow your perception on ultimate safe benching and automatic submitting. Now that would be my ultimate wet dream as no moderation would be required at all. But it is way too early days and to be honest it might never work here, Who hasn't seen weird stuff when benching under extreme conditions? Hard and software evolve to quick and debugging things would require it to become a full time job to keep everything up and running. I think we both have our views on how to use the tool, mine is purely from a competitive and moderator point of view. The integration and other stuff I leave that up to you and Frederik. Keep up the good work!
  10. Biggest showstopper for me is it might not support all of our current benchies Allen, Intels latest CPUs are not affected by the RTC bug, so no problem for you right? If we want to include the AMDs, then we will enforce benchmate,usage. But they will only be able to bench what the Mate application will support on the chosen OS. The Tool is looking great but it is still early days befor global usage
  11. The rendered scene rule has to stay, one screenshot is sufficient in my book, not going for two Matt.. Imagine a good score but the screenshot of the full rendered scene goes corrupt... Also be aware not all OCers will opt for benchmate usage Especially if benchmate can't support all of the benchmarks ( Wprime eg ) we can't enforce it either. Meaning we have to enforce more rules for the benches it will support.... I see Benchmate as the ultimate tool for all RTC buggable platforms and Win8/10, Benchmate will allow users with older gear but a modern OS to submit a proper non bugged result. Moderation if fine as it is, no need to redo something that works.... If changing the font makes it smaller than that is the easiest path to follow. Thanks for the effort!
  12. Scores can be submitted straight via the Benchmate Tool (Internet required ofc) or via the screenshot and manual submission via the compo page. Take note we are using Beta Benchmarks for the Compo
  13. @_mat_ I just tried it on my two laptops, the Benchmate 0.8.0 result screen is too big (res 1920 x1080) Compare it with the above screenie (same width as CPUZ. For 2D this is no problem, for 2D when more tabs needs to be open it might result in a lack of free space.... Maybe this is a Win8.1 issue , we had similar stuff in the simulator with some fonts and co, will try it on the desktop with Win10
  14. Are you guys extracting on OCed mem ? I downed it on the 2 laptops and the gaming desktop, no issues at all with extracting... Done with Winrar compression tool FYI OCed mems can be 32M stable but fail on extracting...
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