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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. MSI's contract with HWBOT was clarified in the numerous mails we received. No contestants would be supplied with extra board(s) for the final. Why didn't you RMA it Frank? I think Massman doesn't allow mobo brand swap...
  2. you going Alva ? I want to go too but need to loose some weight to fit in Romans' suitcase
  3. If you have no clue how to make a verification screenshot it doesn't harm to ask. Your submission was checked and removed, (competition ends in 3 weeks like wuuut?), clearly stating what was missing in your screenshot. A verification screenshot is mentioned in the rules laid down (see your own attached picture), yet the Mem tab was missing, so it was removed... you still have 3 weeks to get it done properly. And yes I have asked to include the rules for the specific benchmark for future competitions (already implemented in the Country Cup), it will also be done for Novice Nimble and other competitions.
  4. That is indeed one of the ones which was mailed to Christian... We compiled dozen of submissions from the bot (290 and 290X cards) with the same driver and diff OSses: some get high GT2s, while others running at similar clocks, driver, OS are not even breaching 70FPS... Can you tell me what is going on ? Anyway special (bios, driver) tweaks I can't test, unless privately shared with the moderation team. Just to put things straight, this is not a witch hunt versus you or other members in your team, but some things need clarification, don't you agree...
  5. Trust me we don't need 1800+ mems to measure/predict GT2 scaling or not. If a certain moment it goes nuts with just a few Mhz more, it is bugged... not an optimum setting... If your 1750MHz gives 71.8 and 1830 already does 78, I should be able do the same 6FPS or higher boost comparing between 1450 and 1600MHz right ?
  6. Nobody called you a cheater in this thread... if we can't replicate this it will be classified as a bugged run... we suspect driver wise something is going bonkers due to too unstable GPU memory...CN is also on this and will crosscheck my upcoming findings with the Futuremark peeps...
  7. I'll be conducting tests as promised once I'm home... I can't do 1800+ but can test the scaling in GT2... from stock to 1700ish speeds...
  8. Well we are still gathering data and wading through the results. The scores have been removed for further investigation... not permanentely deleted... Nr1 at 290 is also impressive +100fps GT1...
  9. Well your score got reported and then we cross check what's okay or not... and your GT2 is tha bomb... For my own peace of mind I'll still run the tests on my 290X lightning to see if there is a significant GT2 boost with Win10 and these drivers over Win7 and 14.12 omega. Ow you also told your team captain about this thread? Would be nice to get his 5 cents on the matter in here too.
  10. We have never witnessed a +6FPS gain on GT2 with just 100Mhz more on the memory. But the moderators are intrigued nevertheless. We need more data and will compare it with our 290X setup. Secondly we will forward your data to Futuremark for analysis. Either you found the ideal OS/driver/setting combo or our suspicions will be confirmed. Plz provide us with a screenshots and the validation files of: 1200 core / 1600 mem run 1200 core / 1700 mem run 1200 core / 1800 mem run This to witness the GT2 scaling per added 100Mhz, this makes it easier to crosscheck our data. Mail it to albrecht@hwbot.org
  11. Just check your subtests and it will become more clear... your GT2 score is way too high for the given clocks thus classified as a bugged run... No need for rocket science...
  12. I only found the website http://youfundme.optician.money.4.all Is that the one ?
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