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Everything posted by amdnord

  1. well done bro! i think it has some more juice tho
  2. hello! Please add Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI http://valid.canardpc.com/epsgtm Thanx in advance!
  3. was strong* im losing settings below -150°C (returning to defaults), but its ok, i just wanted to take wprime 32m too but never made it
  4. great score massman! (so 8350 is worse than 8150 @ spi at least. @ ~7890 i have 10.7xx))
  5. so we can run thuban and BD on cvf for exampleand get 2 results? or we need different boards too?
  6. so something is wrong here or we are doing it wrong, lol
  7. i ll do it tonight, atl east on air/water and @ weekend on ln2 with my good chip to see if it can pull some 9ghz runs, lo lo lo
  8. i think its clearly that he isnt capable of hitting 9.1ghz, not even close to this, lol
  9. this is the helium? pfft just make a "correct" validation and stop this sh!t plz
  10. if it is a bug with mobo/cpu/whatever why appeared now? noone had this problem before?
  11. the pretested CPUs are goin to end in a ready-to-go-PC (i think so ) like this (http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Desktop/PC/Turbo-X-Cerberus-G3450.htm) and this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227410) and and and.
  12. bump! just curious about the revodrive3 x2.
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