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About DanKadr

  • Birthday September 5


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    Scuba diving

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  1. When will it start?
  2. Isn't the shit part of having to fight some stupid programs to get them to work a part of oc? Ofc it will be much nicer if every mandatory program will just work out of the box, but we have to use what we got. We should try to prevent cheats as much as we can
  3. I’m sorry, but is there so many hate for benchmate?
  4. Any news about the linux version?
  5. IMHO we should try and bench as much benches with BenchMate as we can,so maybe CB15 or 20 with BM for AMD divided by core count, WP with BM for 5 intel sockets, etc...
  6. Welcome :D You don't need a compare URL, but you do need a new screenshot, one with CPUZ CPU and memory windows opened
  7. Is it just me, or can’t we search for hardware/members ect in the new rev via mobile?
  8. That’s true. Maybe we can have both? IMO, the position between all members in the team/country regardless the league is more important than the position by leagues
  9. Can you also update the right box? It should be 60 HW for career, 15 globals for season, ect
  10. Sounds great, for all sides. In the end, a compromise has to be made, and this idea looks the best one so far, IMO
  11. The site is up again, but still on rev 7?
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