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TaPaKaH last won the day on August 7 2024

TaPaKaH had the most liked content!


About TaPaKaH

  • Birthday 09/28/1990


  • Location
    The Netherlands


  • realname
    Semjon Avdejev

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  1. Using public results has quite a bit of survivor bias. Most bad results are never posted in public. Also, binning PSC for voltage on air is more of an epeen thing - it means nothing for LN2 (other than filtering hopeless rejects) and hardly beats Samsung 2Gbit D / 1Gbit G for performance and ease of handling.
  2. TaPaKaH

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Now the question is, if you combine the adapters, will a Dothan work in a Rampage Extreme?
  3. Bet that taking it to even 150 BCLK must have taken you hours
  4. inb4 we find out that using Z87/Z97 for DDR3 binning was stupid and X58 is the true WR platform for DDR3 raw clocks
  5. Wonder how long it takes before Ground brakes overall DDR3 record on LGA1366. "only" few hundred MHz to go.
  6. Was more of a one-time thing. Don't expect any new scores until the next random event .. in 2028, I guess? I tried an impersonation of Luumi while at it:
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