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TaPaKaH last won the day on August 7 2024

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About TaPaKaH

  • Birthday 09/28/1990


  • Location
    The Netherlands


  • realname
    Semjon Avdejev

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  1. Some boards can be set up to use non-default core counts and/or voltages the first time you insert a CPU. This way you can POST a CPU which would otherwise not POST in another board. You can then run this CPU at low voltages for a while. Sometimes this allows CPUs to recover.
  2. Who would have thought that ASRock boards would eventually become desirable for high-end LGA775 benching.
  3. Using public results has quite a bit of survivor bias. Most bad results are never posted in public. Also, binning PSC for voltage on air is more of an epeen thing - it means nothing for LN2 (other than filtering hopeless rejects) and hardly beats Samsung 2Gbit D / 1Gbit G for performance and ease of handling.
  4. TaPaKaH

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Now the question is, if you combine the adapters, will a Dothan work in a Rampage Extreme?
  5. Bet that taking it to even 150 BCLK must have taken you hours
  6. inb4 we find out that using Z87/Z97 for DDR3 binning was stupid and X58 is the true WR platform for DDR3 raw clocks
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