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Everything posted by RULE

  1. RULE

    Computex 2016

    Have you guys already compiled the form for international visitor? What i need to answer to this fields:Company-Department-Position?
  2. Nice, i also have a couple of Geil kit, still no MOCF in EU
  3. RULE

    Computex 2016

    Hi fellas, maybe you know the city better then me, i've just find a couple of hotels with nice price: https://www.google.it/maps/place/T.O.+Hotel/@25.0490248,121.5325344,14.5z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x3442a96a738ea945:0xdedb0117fc6661e5 https://www.google.it/maps/place/No.+76,+Kunming+St,+Wanhua+District,+Taipei+City,+Taiwan+108/@25.047539,121.5032636,14.75z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x3442a90f2a5b89ed:0xcb6ce597e28073b9 Is both at 40 minuts away from Nangang Exhibition Center with train. I can't find any other close for better price. Other things, i've to register here? : https://computex.leadexpo.com/computex/custinfo.asp There's a tiket to buy?
  4. Why isn't possible congrats with someone without throwing s°°t against someone else?
  5. I think, judging the voltage on Allen guide, asrock vs asus should be: 1.65 CPU PLL Voltage -> PLL Termination on Asus 1.4 VCCPLL -> CPU Standby on Asus 2.22vColdBugKillerVolt -> Core PLL on Asus BTW Some one can help me to have one LiL Yellow for me in EU Italy? I can't find any...
  6. RULE

    Computex 2016

    @Massman I've a couple of doubt. Are you taking care of bench-house like others years? I don't have any ticket for computex, if i buy hwbot gathering ticket i will have full acces at computex? Thanks
  7. RULE

    Computex 2016

    I confirm my presence since 29 may to 6 june, flight with Emirates Milan-Dubai/Dubai-Taipei. Waiting some info for benchhouse.
  8. I've understand correct the rules for qualifier? I can qualify for the MOA with an impact?
  9. So with v1b4 this issue is solved? Or there's a new one?
  10. ready to pay #3 let me know
  11. Little update, i've got my ticket: http://www.gamers-assembly.net/en/tournament/ga2016-oc Change of plane come with car, so if a dewar is needed i can bring one. Hotel reservation is extended for one day more @ Brithotel Poitiers Restaurant Beaulieu. i think i'll be in Poitiers around 5/6PM of friday.
  12. From my test the spacer doesn't help the cracking stuff. Have you guys found something different?
  13. This morning is starting pretty shitty. Roman's cpu is dead 00 I'm currently testing another one: with 4 spacer there's not much contact between the die and ihs. with 3 spacer the Grizzly broken @ -170°c Now i'm gonna test with 2.
  14. Thanks for sharing man.
  15. Pretty stole from Roman...
  16. This should be a solution to avoid cut edges? Or the edges still touch the pot?
  17. Nobody test the pot directly on CPU die, with some plate protection to retain the chip in the socket? I've see some stuff like that on FB.
  18. Thank you fellas, i hope i can squeeze out something more from this chip.
  19. Count me in Roman.
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