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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Since when does CB20 scale high and loose like Y-Cruncher?
  2. Always nice seeing 7G+ 775 on the front page!
  3. It's a rough world when 733 FSB only gets you silver :D
  4. Yeah really close, maybe just need to switch from Sammy to PSC to get the gold
  5. Nice, it's so great to see an "old" benching category like BCLK receive a new lease of life like this.
  6. Nice to see my old card revived! I'm very familiar with that Sky-X memory issue on cold, it's frustrating :(
  7. Wow I wonder where you're losing efficiency, Riska obviously knew what he was doing lol
  8. S754 on the front page, happens maybe once every 5 years lol?
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