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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Is this card still available?
  2. Anyone got one spare? Preferably in Asia or the U.S. to keep shipping costs down to OZ
  3. Such a same this doesn't show up on the front page because of the ridiculous decision to remove globals last revision... very, very well done Frank!
  4. What's XMP tweak? :D Well done, I knew someone would beat my score soon
  5. Dibs on that 680!
  6. Hey, I gave my delidded 3870K a shot on LN2 last night and got 6GHz valid (5999 with clock drift :() but only around 5.2 GHz benchable for SP1M, is this normal? I also saw scaling up to 2.05V for max. valid but only around 1.75V for benching. Weridly multicore max. benchable frequency was the same as singlecore.
  7. Are these the cards used for the scores on your profile?
  8. I'm pretty sure this is the exact mechanism used to exclude results from old versions on other benches with datafile required, e.g. GPUpi and x265
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