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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Better not test this properly,you will make my collection of Samsung become irrelevant :)). Can you make 2 runs on same os ,identical settings so we know how much they loose from density, and after “ tight “ on both at 2800 mhz ?
  2. Best run at 4 ghz ,on the os i am using from a friend : I guess yours are stronger with those timings.
  3. D-Die means Hyk0 or HCH9 ? i cannot compare now ,but can you make a run at 5450 with cpuz and coretemp opened (it was requirement for a contest) as my time like this was 5:31s with 9-12-12 at 2840 mhz.
  4. We should invite more people in here,maybe something will transpire :D. @zeropluszero @GeorgeStorm
  5. He has backup accounts prepared already for country cup :)) . Shh ,don’t let the mods see it. Btw ,any of you encoutered this problem : @Bullant @ground1556
  6. @TASOS - ty for the advice. I tryed now but it does the same ,in any position with 1 bios or 2. I discovered that the battery seated on doesn’t affect the board,it will boot the same after several clr cmos. Need to change title. I left it in prime95 small fft,to see if any errors appear.
  7. Similar 4200 GB3 12-11-11 tops out wazza at 4100 for me,with same latencies and voltage. Dunno if it’s the same behaviour on all gskill kits :).
  8. I bought a R3e BE some time ago from a gamer just to be sure it wasn’t abused . I tested it when i got it,everything seemed fine so i put it back in the closet . Months later i installed it and when i pressed Power button it had no reaction,only the Led was on but nothing was happening. Whatever i tryed it remained in this state. Recently i saw Derbauer washing the boards and dry them after so i did tge same and it wirked,the board was booting but only sometimes i got the chance to go into bios. Basically ,if i press clr cmos and power buton many times,eventually it is gonna take it boot in bios and after windows. I can restart it and boot again windows but if i make any changes in bios and restart the board i have to repeat the whole procedure. I updated both bios chip to latest one,where does it lie the problem ? .
  9. In your experience ,what is the most important for reaching max fsb on certain cpu/board ? How do you know which one of them you maxed out,cpu or mobo ?
  10. An arangement has been made ,from my point of view the matter is closed. Thank you Trouffman.
  11. For all of you interested in buying stuff from this topic,UNTESTED means it has a high chance of beeing DOA ,as it was in my case with the Rampage Extreme i bought from him. i sent pm explaining the situation long ago,is marked as read but no reply so far,he doesn’t care. Nice attitude from one of the iconic figures of hwbot.
  12. suzuki

    EVGABOT and Epower

    That makes no sense as you posted st 3-4 minutes after i sent him pm but i guess it was preferential sale. Anyway ,good catch.:)
  13. suzuki

    EVGABOT and Epower

    No ideea what is happening. No reply on pm’s ,don’t even know if i am the one who is gonna get them or is there anyone else before me. :)).’
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