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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. After all that shemale porn he sends on messenger,i can finally brag that i know Luumi,because of this result not because of porn , hahaha.
  2. Anyone has this for sale ? shipping to EU - Romania.
  3. Coretemp last version ? There is always a way to have a recent program. Reason would be simple,i always hear : “damn,my usb with backups is corrupt,i lost all of them” or “i lost the backup hdd with scores”.. Many are lost like this,just my 2c.
  4. Can you enforce a rule with subs are valid only with latest version of cpuz/gpuz/benchmark used ? Leave 1 month time for the guys to post the “best” scores from the usb from 2015/2016/2017 and after to be applied so no sandbag possible in the future. What do you guys think ?
  5. It’s not the fault of the users that hwbot allows this,with a simple rule you avoid all the backups made ever. God knows how many wr we’re lost on usb because nobody beat the initial scores... ps: just allow subs with latest cpuz/gpuz,like this sandbag is not possible.
  6. I planned a session sub-zero with some friends for 7-8-9. Not to be any problems there,for 7-8 we should use the first background and for 9 it will be supplied when exactly ? sorry,we planned this for couple of weeks now,didn’t know the date will be moved.
  7. It was for sale ,not long ago by poparamiro. 6 ghz on 4770k and the same on 7700k :)),monster chiller made for quad cards setup by @nachtfalke
  8. This is a waterchiller which can go even to -60. Also,people using the ice bucket method with ice plus antigel in the freezer at -30 degrees make the whole enthusiast league seem pointless. Merge enthusiast with apprentice and you get rid of the problems.
  9. Some of you don’t know that some chillers can be more powerfull than most ss like vapochill :). And dimastech stuff. Not to mention on heavy load ...
  10. Depends on what you like to spend money, last gen hardware is always expensive and fortunatelly for me i never feel the desire to buy those.( the same goes for anything older than ddr3 :)) ). Enthusiasts / Apprentice / Extreme - i agree. This dispute with sponsored/unsponsored is as old as subzero used in enthusiast.
  11. I think a better solutions to the overwhelming workflow is to put a subscription tax,do not invent problems where there are none. Regarding sponsored vs unsponsored,everyone started from scratch,work your way up if you want to be sponsored and don’t bitch arround here in order to affect others. Bullant is a perfect example of person who is modest and really good about what he is doing and you don’t see him in this polemics. Why should everyone have to be obliged to go ln2 when they don’t want to ? Get a job people,it will allow you to have money for your passion as well,do not hope that this one becomes your main source of revenue. I have everything i want nowadays,i need just time to bench all of the stuff i gathered,but i worked for everything i have,12 hrs or more daily ,6 days a week and come here to see people whining that they are not sponsored , ffs.
  12. I think most of them will sell the hardware. I just bought a ss because i thought i will be staying in apprentice and not a cascade to compete with ln2 users. Why not 3 leagues ,air/water , aprrentice and extreme with sponsored and not sponsored together,Why sponsored need separate league ? (You make this split for max 50 people) If you want to push your hardware to extreme ln2 cooling than you afford to compete with the top guys which get sponsored for this,prove your worth and you will be one of them,this is not my target nor to almost the whole database besides the less than 1000 people which do ln2.
  13. Hey guys ! I want to try my 8700k on my mocf and was wondering if i have to do only the board mod +last bios or is it required to short the pins and cover the other 2 ? i saw a video posted by Luumi whereas he did only the mobo mod+bios , his cpu and socket pins we’re fine ,not burned.
  14. Not all p5e3 premium are like this. The one i bought for Mr. Db first boot was at 2000 mhz 6-7-5 spi32m no problem. Some people are lucky :).
  15. That’s why i stop replyng to them,will do that in the future as well. Many thanks for your reply,will adjust above
  16. Try to match the same uncore and mem freq/latencies and after you will see why you pay the extra money . Nice job with this board !
  17. Websmile has one,but i will buy it when the time comes :)). Look for Dom Gt 2000 7-8-7 ,sometimes they are better even than gtx2. Also ,depends which platform are gonna use them from ,on x58 my best kit is a STT which is average on 775/z97.
  18. I never benched gpupi,are you saying it is better with no HT ,lower native ddr3 freq and 30% less cache ? or is it sarcasm ?
  19. Than write them down :). For reference clock,do we have v1 and v2 on 1151?
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