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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Add on shortcut properties,after “” -nosysteminfo, see if it starts.
  2. It's better if you try straight on win7 x64 or win 8.1 x64,you will have better results on sli cards. I tryed with my gtx 590 on xp64 and had 4000 points under my win7 x64b result. If you still want to try out the xp64,i can supply you with a working tib,out of the box.
  3. I have 3 “dead” REX ,i am keeping them untill technology will evolve enough to be fixed :)).
  4. Unfortunatelly no,i guess it is possible but implies a mod aswell. But the board works 105 bclk on non skylake bios,after which it freezes. I need to test with Xtu to see if it stll keeps this bclk.
  5. Your work on Amd is amazing as usual . Congrats !
  6. Thanks to all who posted and special thanks for the ones who sent links on private. Can be closed ,i got what i asked for :D.
  7. It is not listed over there,not for the ln2 board,only for regular soc force. Ty.
  8. @Noxinite - can you upload them ? modding for CFL - hell yeah :D.
  9. All the bios i have start with F,1 or 2. I thought that it’s a glitch ,maybe reading the pci-e. Are you sure x16 is a name of a bios ?
  10. Can anyone figure out what bios he uses here ?
  11. Omg, first under 4 min sub is so close. Gj.
  12. Can be closed,master websmile has what i need .:).
  13. Hey Stasio. Any new version to the Gigabyte soc force Ln2 bios ? Any bios for overclocking non-K skylake cpus or for full kabylake support ? Many thanks !
  14. Anyone has the latest bios for this board,as it seems is not retail ? Is there a bios for skylake locked cpu's ? What about kabylake support ?(I do not dare to ask about CFL :)) ) @Bullant @dinos22
  15. It makes sense if it’s benched on skt 771 board,but if you bench both cpu’s on the same Rampage extreme it should be only one accepted.
  16. Can you clarify this for single core stage : One submission allowed per CPU socket This means that if we have a L3014 sub ,a P4 640 is not counted anymore ?
  17. Mine works ok on freq, 6.1 @1.40v spi32m,but damn ram not working properly,not even 1 kit out of 5 of them tested at 4190 12-11-11 on the same mocf.
  18. Shipping towards Romania. Pm with your offers,thanks.
  19. I need to buy a 2k monitor for this benchmarks :)). it is getting difficult to fit all the tabs.
  20. @websmile - is this a valid screenshot ? Just to know if i can do the same.
  21. Tested with E bios for 4-5 hrs now. Much worse than F for me. Will mod my second mocf to see if it’s board related.
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