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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. There was also the 2500 c9 kit from Gskill ,but i think as ES.
  2. @KaRtA - 1 day and 22 hrs untill you are happy.
  3. Good imc on that Pentium. Did you had any time to bench on 1366 ? Also,do you keep your ss with no mounting kit on the board ?
  4. Inside Eu it cannot exceed 29€ with insurance up to 200€. Use post service .
  5. Wow,nice price. I just bought one 2 weeks ago otherwise it would’ve been mine.
  6. These we're some of the most difficult cpu's to find,6100 is really problematic with imc and 7350k if it good on Cpu freq as well it cost a bit :).
  7. How much would be shipping to Eu for that Cpu (3770k) ? interested in the 2 pi kits as well . Send me a pm with the total cost . That gtx 285 classy is very attractive but i guess it will bump the shipping cost to a whooping 70$.
  8. No ,i am moving out of country so everrything is packed,after 15'th of nov will have some time to settle,if everything comes on time.
  9. Too bad he can't provide support with Xp ,we need someone with his talent around here :),
  10. I think it is board specific . I bought a Rgb set from websmile some time ago ,which was suppose to do 4133 12-11-11 on Mocf but on my board i barelly could get close to 4000 mhz while with other kits i did 4190 no problem. I have another Mocf in storage (in another country) and will try with that one in order to test my theory.
  11. I have one of the best kits of bbse arround ,i think . It can do easy 2700 8-11-7 spi32m all tight . Never tryed them instead of hyper cause i know untill sandy hyper was the deal and no other kit of different ic’s could beat it . Might give it a try after i relocate as now there is no time to do anything. I remember a post from @nachtfalke on a different forum where he modded a cheap Asrock and it was a beast with timings up to 1800 mhz ,need to find the results. Maybe it is also board related ,who knows....
  12. Oh damn ,i misunderstood from your post,when you sayd those 2 Usb i was thinking you meant the ones from the mobo . Yeah ,painfull process but nice workaround !
  13. You know you can make an acronis backup and post it over here,like this everyone can install that windows fully working in less than a minute.
  14. If my target is 2000 mhz i start with 1600 on auto and lock all of those before going to 2000. Like this i am sure i have a good start . Rtl’s always stay on Auto.Once you reched you’re desired freq and want to make finetuning ,you can take the subtimings one by one and put them on auto,see if after trainig the value is going lower than what it was set before. I hope it makes sense to you.
  15. These are from that run with 990x. Dimm voltage was 1.90v .
  16. Not sure what you mean with “starting”. The consacrated timing formula is 6-7-5 or 7-7-6 and sky is the limit. There is also 7-8-7 on which some may work better. Up to 1750 mhz i used even 5-6-5 :). Hyper is awesome !
  17. That’s why Mocf z170 became a Legend . Everything for 4 generations works on it ,and works well.
  18. This cpu is really amazing. It will make a good pair with the upcoming single stage.
  19. Or they can disable the points and stay in Extreme ...
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