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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Shipped in Eu, overclock doesn’t matter, will be used in a daily pc. Waiting offers via pm. I prefer to be from 2950x up , but will see other offers as well.
  2. Any results with that G3258?
  3. Really nice the server,i hope more people will join.
  4. Next level CPU :) . Wonder what it can do on Phase or dice/Ln2. Keep up the good scores Don;t push too much the voltages not to break it.
  5. My favourite topic now active again. May the purge begin :D.
  6. Many thanks! Need to push more as i stopped here for eff check. voltage is 1.51 on cpu, 2v on ram.
  7. It actually matters to me now,haha. Please edit/change to 2017. Best regards !
  8. Can i have the link as well ? Happy new year !
  9. There are differences even between same series of boards(binned z270 for better voltage and ram freq,same for z370 and impact,although z370 was solid for ram oc). There were even 50 mv difference on the same voltage and settings. I have a friend who is not overclocker,he binned 5xAsus Apex 10 for his daily pc,minimum voltage.
  10. I don’t know what you guys smoking,but what you set in bios is the real voltage. I like Mahaudi,i have nothing against him,i am actually inclined to buy this cpu as i have a shittier one, but this cpu will not do 5.4@1.28 on any other board(i have all of them). Llc6 is the closest to the real voltage,Dark with it’s llc system it’s a joke. Happy new year !!!
  11. How is this even possible ? Monster score,congrats!
  12. Problem is if you set LLC 8 and want to hit the same voltage for same freq, you will need 1.325 and not 1.181. What you set on bios should be what you advertise as working on. Alexro mentioned that on his for sale threads.
  13. Off topic , how that VDmi help you guys ? I use 0.950 even for 6 ghz on Single stage (4933 ram). Also, what advantage you have of using LLC5 ?(besides showing lower voltages in load)
  14. I cannot add this entry to the competition,it says i don;t meet the requirements.
  15. Was heavilly modified since than. That temp is in load with 9900kf.
  16. Enthusiast is a broken league, it took me a long time to get it, i hope you will do it to,eventually. As for those type of people who buy some nice shining hardware and they are not pleased for the 2 points they are getting, this hobby is not for them. Look at nachtfalke,poparamiro, vadimua, infrared and others which can be good in any league you put them, and most important they enjoy what they are doing. A great overclocker is the one who enjoys what he is doing, no matter the points and through this, obtains good results in his conditions.
  17. 100 mhz,most probably i can push to 6 ghz but will go on positives in load, better to safe keep it for a cascade session in the future.
  18. All psc kits are sold now.
  19. I’ve been asked over pm this. I will find out for sure next week, will send them to be tested to someone who has ddr2 platform.
  20. Indeed I think it used to be the best result on water. Will be replaced with the best Dice/Ss result.
  21. Atm will be only SS .Apprentice for life :)).
  22. Thanks Noxinite. There is a special "supplier" out there, many thanks to him :). Also the sinnlge stage shines,as you can see in load temps.
  23. It almost fid 2740 Gb3 with psc bolc, really nice. 2x2 G.Skill Ripjawz 2200 c7 - 2733 8-12-8 @1.89 and 1.88v spi 1m on regular ambient. 100 euro 2x2 Geil EvoTwo 2400 c9- 2733 8-12-8 @1.87 and 1.88v spi 1m on regular ambient. 120 euro First is sold and video proof was given via whatsapp to the buyer. Geil Kit is pending payment, video proof given . From the psc kits, only this one remains: 2x2 G.Skill Pis2200 c7 -2700 8-12-8 @1.90 and 1.90v GB3 Multicore.100 euro It almost passed 2720,i have video proof with that,maybe other voltages would’ve make that happened.
  24. Up again, Will test this weekend all 3 kits as i don;t seem to have anymore the screenshots. @bolc - might use your cpu if it has a good IMC, otherwise will go for old trusty 4670k.
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