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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. I feel like I just won the special Olympics of 32m benching:p:
  2. Dumo is got MFR pretty dialed at 5Ghz, I want to say he was at 6:06:xx or lower off the top of my head.
  3. Well I know for a fact I have degraded a few cpu's some with high voltages and others with what I would consider safe voltages, the most current one was damaged with 2.5 input and 1.74 vcore while simply ramping up the multiplier via software in Windows. All this was at -130c so don't think temp should have been an issue. Vdimm was 2.1v and after rebooting once it hit x59 it could never boot 5Ghz again at any uncore or voltage.
  4. I can see it now, MSI is going to get so much crap for dead retail Haswell, but for once I don't think it will be the boards that have anything wrong with them, rather the cpu's just fail hard, so fragile and easy to damage. I don't think we even have to have the Titan death talk lol No more LN2 runs on Haswell from me except at 4/5Ghz as they don't seem to die there. Semi Finals will be interesting to say the least:)
  5. Rbauss why do you even care what happens in B Class, you have all ready secured your self a ticket it makes me wonder why you have such a vested interest in not allowing a 2600/2700K. Everyone else has/is securing a nice Sandy as it will be the winning setup, not sure why you expect it would be any different.
  6. All ready out apparently, I will troll the local store tomorrow and see what is going on as mine should have them since I am very close to the San Jose Fry's where the first pics of a retail Costa cpu were re posted at XS.
  7. Totally cool with that:) However before giving up, just wanted to know if 2600/2700K is allowed in B class.
  8. Well at 5Ghz on Ivy I would say 6:15:9xx would be absolutely killing it and on Haswell I think 5:55:9xx is the fastest time to date, so maybe 21-23 seconds with similar cpu and memory clocks between both architectures. For Samsung I am sure you would need 3000+ c9 for it to be competitive with ultra tight secondaries and tertiaries, but where do such sticks exist, cause I know mine won't do anywhere near that at c9.
  9. ^55.8 or bust I am sure Andre is in the 54's though, can't wait to see his backup:)
  10. Thank you PJ, having a blast benching 32m on this board, though I still need to figure out how to get my BBSE working on this setup.
  11. Good thing I just found a x58 2600K:) Still waiting to get clarification from Massman.
  12. Fixed:) I think this is the only forum that does not auto re-size and I always forget this.
  13. Wondering as well if the 2600K is allowed for B Class?
  14. So picked up a retail Z87 OCF and ended up testing the same set of Ripjaw Z 2400 c8's that were voltage limited to 1.96v on Ivy. Initial Dram voltage and Eventual Dram voltage got me around this brick wall and have allowed me to use 2.1v now which has allowed me run this kit higher than before. The Conformal coating on my board is very uniform throughout and the only vaseline that was added was on to the ram slots, everything else is paper towel and some Frost King, such a breeze to insulate. This is a great idea that should be implemented on multiple components such as vga cards, and ram modules as well, for those of us that love to freeze the ram. Blue Paper towels are just for you Massman:)
  15. It seems they are, having a hard time sourcing a good one as well, maybe time to buy retail
  16. I have been following this thread @ XS and I am glad to see the Stilt gets the much deserved attention for this awesome project. Very few give back to the community like this.
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