I don't know what happened there, I used the submit to hwbot button on 3Dmark that used to work well. Maybe not anymore since the new version of hwbot. I fixed it and attached the screen.
Since many Pro's are moving to 9980XE atm because they can clearly go higher on LN2 I'm looking for your old good 7980XEs that are no longer needed, but are enough for my need as I'm just getting started.
Ideally I am looking for a 7980XE that can do 4.8GHz below 1.2v all core on normal ambient temp 20C like my 7960X but with 18 cores :)
So a similar screen to this one would be perfect for evaluation.
Wow nice score! What real world differences did you notice on the Omega compared to Apex? Saving of Vcore for example? How how did memory behave? These kind of things. Cheers!
Hi, I use an external rad: Mo-Ra 3 by Watercool that does most of the work. Watertemp was 23-24°C. Regular TimeSpy is not very hard on your CPU, I see higher temps starting up 3Dmark than during the run :)