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Everything posted by kicsipapucs

  1. Dude, win7 and a proper ram setup would give ya 2k+ boost on cpu score!
  2. Very nice cpu, rip. Strange mobo choice on the other hand. With an SOC Force or OCF you would've gotten even better results.
  3. PM sent!
  4. Dude, disable HT and run again, you will get much better cpu score!
  5. Dude, this could be a top3 cpu with good ram and maybe more volts (if it scales).
  6. I dunno mate, it was 4 years ago, but you know what? I'm gonna check it for ya sometimes.
  7. kicsipapucs

    Gskill 4800C18

    holy moly, 4700C17 1T?! ?
  8. What results did you get with 2Gbit CFR?
  9. Hey Michael! Nice detailed review, I like it. What SA and IO voltages did you typically use for the daily stable and then for the xoc settings on your particular CPU sample? TIA.
  10. kicsipapucs

    Besi Cpu Pot

    Good luck with the sale my friend!
  11. Hey guys! I have for sale the above block. Original packaging, missing a couple screws and all the gap pads. never been taken apart, very light usage. No fittings. Compatible with EVGA GTX 980 Classified. Shipping to EU only, buyer covers fees and shipping price. eBay prices were all a lot higher than this. 50 euros OBO
  12. Hey guys! I'm looking for an 8350k, can be any good/bad clocker if works fine, only want it for my daily computer. Budget is <135USD/118EUR incl shipping and fees to Hungary. TIA
  13. Can be closed, keeping it for now.
  14. Nice thread Jayson! Can't contribute, but I read all you guys' posts.
  15. Up! 100 euros shipped within EU.
  16. Up! 100eur+ship
  17. Thanks for the inputs guys! Push!
  18. Hi all! Testing waters with a couple hw I have absolutely no use for. First up: 1x 4770k L310B491, eBay Germany scam I "luckily" bought myself, came doa (stuck at 78 post code in several different boards), had to fight for months before getting some of my money back. Almost half a year later accidentally found out it lives on Z97 OCF with a special bios that boots 1c2t even after battery removal, or cmos clr/set defults (I supply the bios file to the possible new owner). After some testing 3c6t works fine, pci-e working fine, IMC is crazy outstanding (at least to me, best I've had), does PSC 2736MHz waza tight with sub stock VCCSA, 2780-2800C8 R15 at stockish SA with some tinkering and good mems. 2666C8 tight, SA 50mV undervolted (0.790V HWiNFO) in Z97 OCF and also indication of a good IMC is that my mems do spi at lower volts than with most of my cpus, so instead of my usual 1.84V they pass 1.83V 2666. Could be a good daily cpu at 4.5GHz 3c6t, or a low clock challenge 2c2t spi machine on phase, maybe a ram tester for anybody wanting something good for that only. CPU has been delidded by eBay scammero and glued back (ugly job) with LM, I didn't re-delid it, no idea what's under the IHS, Conducto or CLU. FYI performance like this is almost always on par or a bit better than clock to clock with an i5-4670/90k in multithreaded applications like R15 or Geek3, etc. 110 euros+shipping EU only. paypal and buyer covers fees. ofc no warranty or returns apart from DOA which is unlikely, but still. Other parts will come up as I progress in testing them for selling. Edit: as Jason stated, there is a Z87 OCF bios too for these kinds of chips, I can provide that one too. Now the cpu works in twice as much of boards.
  19. Hi everybody! I heard that almost ALL 8086k are very good clockers, even random ones have a high chance being 5400+ on ambient. So, question is, what was the worst that anybody found during their binnings? TIA.
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