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Everything posted by ironbrillopad

  1. This board it kinda ugly but those results are beautiful! I might have to go as rock this gen
  2. Awesome score man. I am setup for cold NB and memory gonna see what happens. something tells me your score is safe haha but here we go!
  3. Yep, it looks like I have to to rebench this one... bummer
  4. This run was at -165. When I bumped pll to 2.2v I was able to get -173 but not stable. I'm going to keep playing with voltages tonight to see if I can go colder in triple channel
  5. Nice results man and a nice looking pot you have there too
  6. When I push the FSB above 220 Uncore starts having problems even if I drop the multiplier. My 920 and 950 were both the same I dont know what I'm doing wrong?
  7. Congratulations! Nice work and keep it up?
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