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TASOS last won the day on December 20

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  • Birthday May 1


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  1. 8 minutes before the end of this year country cup ... and i'm still in doubt Are we sure the Aussies are not coming full power at the last minute ?
  2. A score vanished from this stage https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?ids=5692789,5701941,5713701 The permalink shows 3 id's though.
  3. If i may ask What was the idea behind this stage hardware limitations ? https://hwbot.org/competition/Country Cup 2024 - GPU/stage/5866_3dmark_-_solar_bay Why RTX4080 and RTX4070 is allowed , while the other cards of the same series are not ?
  4. https://hwbot.org/submission/5707197_
  5. What do we do , when a result (for unknown reason) did not uploaded in the stage of country cup ? In previous competitions (older GUI) we had a "participate" button.
  6. As detailed as possible or as much as the admin options allow you. The header of each stage must also contain all the basic elements wanted. The descriptions : "stage by gpu" , "stage by gpu family" , "stage by cpu socket" , "stage by cpu core count" , "stage by cpu core" .... mean nothing to new users (and not only) There has to be a remark with explanations , in stage details or in limitations (wherever is possible).
  7. When submitting a result , and you start filling all the related memory tabs ... if you don't fill the model name (or it doesn't exist in database) then you submission is totally empty in memory specs when you upload it. Although you have written everything else ?
  8. Reporting wrong submission , does not work. Also noticed that when you choose "other" you can also pick a second option too at the same time ?
  9. Alby Forget that it's me who made this post (cause i know how things work in here) and put yourself into the position of a new member or an old member that was absent for a long period. Log-in to the competition page , navigate through stages ... and tell me how clear things are in total and how easy it is for such a user to pick hardware and participate ? I didn't make this post , to point a finger at you. I am posting complaints from my members I want from people above you to realize and deal with the problems we face. It's not possible to deal with everything in this site , with only 2-3 people involving. Alby if you need help , you have to ask for it. Once upon a time , team captains of the major teams , had a private small sub-forum , where they could talk to "hwbot" and talk to each other also. That's missing nowadays.
  10. Alby The improvement (not saying perfection) in detailed description of each stage for such a big event (which is in progress) , should have been your No1 priority. Every year , in almost all events we deal with the same problems. No proper definitions Unclear rules in some parts. This has to change. I dont know if there still is limitation in characters used in description fields ... but we have to improve it. New GUI
  11. Where exactly does it say , that we have to use different GEN vga's in that stage ?
  12. I dont want to mess up your User Xperience But there are people out there , that use their left mouse button more
  13. Wouldn't it be more convenient , each time you press the "Verification URL" button , that is present in many subs , to ... NOT leave the site and just open a new window ?
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