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Everything posted by 3urner

  1. CPU 750 Euros with shipping in EU includet!
  2. Bump for the Cpu rest ist sold!!! I think price is justified. Because it is as @Alex@ro says here Ryzen takes binning on another level because there are cpus which excell on air but on ln2 they are just worse.
  3. That would be the perfect solution in my opinin! I would vote for a league change but then please change into something useful as this!
  4. Finished the Benchmate Tutorial. Here ist the link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aYnEnZYD5I8TdkJTLW5BB0ELhBvg7S3j What do you think?
  5. Looks like ya listend to me @Splave ? Disableing HT brought ya some more MHZ
  6. Thats a great Idea! I can edit those vids of you. I also planed to record x-oc or maybe stream.
  7. 3urner

    TR 3990X

    I have to agree with @Alex@ro disableling points would mean shitting on the countless effort of much people. And to get back to the topic: " is oc dead or dying?" If we would disable points and loose another benchmark we would ourselfs contribute to kill overclocking faster.
  8. 3urner

    TR 3990X

    I think thats the way to go if we dont wanna loose gb3. Since "we" (to be correct only @_mat_) has the possibility to make an exception in bm for those benches with tweaked files. If we include a new tweaked gb3 in bm (as @Splave suggests it here) it should be fine because then it is protected from tweaks outside. But thats the hard way. The easy one is just diabling points for gb3
  9. Bump Cpu now 850 with shipping included!
  10. 2080 ti Kingpin is sold!!! Cpu and ram available! Cpu now for 850 euros... Wanna sell it fast.
  11. Price Drop: Ryzen 3950X now for 900Euros 2080Ti Kingpin now 1300 Euros.
  12. For the Kp: 2505 where at -150 easy possible with just 1.4 vCore and a not aggressive load line (level 2). for the +1400 Mem where 1,5v needed. I tried +1500 but it seems not possible on ln2 because mem gets to cold. On ambient are +1500 mem possible. Do you need any more information? I will test what Voltages the ram needs. For the 4200 12 11... 28 1t I set 2.0v in Bios which is 2.04 according to hwinfo
  13. Yes I thought the same. But in Bios you can set fclk above 1900. My chip does 1900 ambient. But I can't get it booting above 1900 fclk set in bios.
  14. I did not test this. Did use this speed for Cb r15 with the 3950x to see if high mem speed brings a higher benefit. If you want I can try this speed waza
  15. Kingpin not reserved anymore. Open for offers! I can provide video proof that everything is working fine and take close up pictures if wanted!
  16. If my 3950x sells good I´ll gladly take your 3900x Then the Cpu will be in good hands
  17. Kingpin 2080TI reserved.
  18. I will add a picture with the items and my name on sunday. Currently not at home but have time to create the the topic. Please be considerate. Pictures added!!!! I am selling my best 3950x out of 5. The Cpu does 5,5 Ghz with 1600 Fclk Fullpot in CB r15 . I used the impact. Vcore set: 1.7v -> 1.66v under load Vddg s where at 1,1v 5,5 with 1700fclk where bootable but then cb at -187ish. Vddgs at 1,15v Did not test any further... Ambient score: https://hwbot.org/submission/4306328_ ln2 score: https://hwbot.org/submission/4314200_der8urner_cinebench___r15_with_benchmate_ryzen_9_3950x_5637_cb/ Price: 950 Euros. Shipping EU is preferd but worldwide is no problem. Payment via Paypal or Bank transfer. Buyer should cover paypal fees. You can also make resonable offers!!! Price NOW 900 Euros I am also selling my 2080Ti Kingpin. The card is in great shape and original packaging with all accessories is complete! The card was only one time under ln2. I benched the card together with @Dancop he isolated the card with Plastidip. Isolation is perfect. The Card did 2505+ on the core with +1400 Mem. 2565 core crashed even with +1200 Mem. I assume the mem got to cold (common issue on kp cards) I mainly used the card in my daily rig. Therefore I made this custom cooling plate: https://community.hwbot.org/topic/192520-rtx-2080ti-kingpin-custom-cooling-plate-for-daily/?tab=comments#comment-543153 Daily 2160 Core and +1200 mem are stable with temps under 40 degree. Price: 1400 Euros. Shipping EU is preferd but worldwide is no problem. Payment via Paypal or Bank transfer. Buyer should cover paypal fees. You can also make resonable offers!!! Price NOW 1300 Euros For Sale is also Trident Z Royal 4800 cl18 Silver. Did only a quick test on the VIII Impact. For resut info look at the fotos. 2.04V required for 4200cl12 and 2.06v for 4933 Kit is only a few weeks old. Price: 350 Euros. Shipping EU is preferd but worldwide is no problem. Payment via Paypal or Bank transfer. Buyer should cover paypal fees. You can also make resonable offers!!! Please let me know if you have any questions! I ll try to answer asap.
  19. Really nice work! I'm currently only able to program in Java and a little bit c++ I don't have much knowledge about such programming you need to do. But I can try to help you if there's something. At least I can test your software on a 3950X and maximus impact.
  20. Thanks mate! Yes he's right. I'm going to sell my best 3950x. I just hadn't the time to create the sale thread. Will do tomorrow. Cpu does easily 5,5 1600 fclk full pot. Booting 5,5 with 1700 fclk was possible but then cb at - 187
  21. Its R20. A 3970x at 4,4 scores about 19.000cb so the result absolutly makes sense.
  22. 3urner

    TR 3990X

    Yeah your right with that but thats not the point. Even though we have plenty of bm which scale with core count most of them arent made for that high cc and finished within seconds. 3970x finishes r20 within 25 seconds... 3950x finishes r15 in 5sec. (depending on frequency) I think it would be more appealing to have benchmarks which take just like superPi or gpuPi more time. Think about for which cc r15 was designed and how long it took to finish an r15 back then with a 7740x... Which was at that time considerd a high end cpu...
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