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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Again I can only judge on what those in this thread has said but stepping out of the phase change business seems smart here. If you can not deliver the products that you promised on time or at least within a decent time frame of order then you have no business to begin with. Number one rule of business in my industry is that you have to keep the customers happy no matter what, if you do that then you have won half the battle already and are more likely to have them return and talk positively about you. Here you haven't managed that and I would think it wise to reduce the damage done here by stopping all future orders as you have already done and just bite the bullet and refund those that have yet to see their products.
  2. Interested in the P45T board since mine is dead will send you a PM later but will take at asking price, I think I still have your details but PM me them just in case. Despite no pictures can vouch for Suzuki being a good seller in case anyone was hesitant.
  3. I'm pretty sure you're right but I am too young to remember this off the top of my head
  4. Although it is not my place to say now what people should or should not do with their money, I would advise that handing any money over to dimastech would be foolish at this point. Glad you got your money back georgios
  5. Nice score Luumi, fantastic CPU!!! Did you buy this pre-binned or random buy?
  6. Cheers guys @george.kokovinis thank you very much my friend, incredibly kind comment to make
  7. I just noticed there is a small bug on the leaderboards of subs made for the HWBot world tour Super Pi 1M HWBot Points comp, just shows up as the points total instead of the time in the leaderboard for the CPU now. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/core_i3_540/ like that, same as when you look at the submission. Not a huge priority but just a small bug.
  8. Cheers bud, CPU is close to the limit here, 6270MHz seems max at the moment, got more globals to come for the team once I can have a day to bench it
  9. I agree that the cores are effecitvely the same thing, but for the sake of not overcomplicating things can we just keep it to those with fury in the name.
  10. Will take kit 2 if it's still available? Is the bad kit marked at all so I know which one to reball?
  11. At least they were honest with their findings and are compensating you
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