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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. yeap doing well but would better without FIVR :D
  2. Try the initial one; seems better than the newer ones will try to find the first beta we got as well
  3. what is this world? when a cloud cant compete with a simple usb ??? cpu seems strong. Whats its max 3d05 freq?
  4. Yes its newer but not sure its equally good for 4800c14. This was optimized for mem freq so it can do cl31
  5. think I got you guys a bit spoiled with the last distributions of tib files lol
  6. Used some of the info and files here + testing and updated the initial post with how to get older images to work on z390
  7. By the way - turbov 1.01.15 seems to be working fine but it keeps bclock on reboot. Havent tried 1.01.14 that should fix this issue.
  8. totally - thats why I moved to London tho. rain = clouds the heavier the rain, the better the scores
  9. I never said it does not work. I said it hasnt been tested yet. Plan is to test and show/share how it is done as half of the people have images from older platforms. By the way, it would be awesome if you had contributed several days ago instead of jumping now dont you think? at least it would have saved me several hours of (re)search hehe PS. the incompatibility issue you had was because you added two drivers that were probably contradicting to each other = bsod. At least thats what I recall from the win-raid posts. So far no issues here.
  10. you probably try to install via USB when USB does NOT work. What firadisk does is that it loads the files into the RAM and treats it like eram/floppy/disk or whatever. That way the installation doesn't have to have access to the USB.
  11. Ok so here you can find the .iso that works for Z390: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x_NIfXf4RTSZnxOImpHkus1JRe_JW7Wi You install this normally with PS/2 keyboard. You can use asmedia drivers later to get usb ports to work. Both usb (firadisk obviously as usb ports wont work right away) and dvd installation works and its confirmed by 3 people already. Updating initial post with info so you can apply on your own setup.
  12. Thanks @Nik Usb installation should work fine as well via the old firadisk method (z170/z270 days). Will test older images/backups too today (make them from z270 > z390 compatible) and then it should be good to go.
  13. Hi, this is still a work in progress but will be sharing updates as it needs to be tested more till we get to a point that its working 100%. Then (hopefully next 2-3 days) I will gather everything so you can apply this to your own OS/mobo. Anyhow, after a couple of tests, we finally got XP to work on ASUS Z390 motherboards. Special bios is not needed This -for now- has been tested only for fresh installations. Will test later today if we can get old ones to work but might be a bit complicated. More info & credit to those who assisted coming soon UPDATE: So to get windows to work we care about the following files: acpi.sys (exists in SP3.CAB and Driver.cab both under I386 folder of installation) acpi.sy_ (exists under I386 folder of installation) - acpi_sy is the result of makecab.exe command of the acpi.sys syssetup.sy_ (exists under I386 folder of installation) - again result of the syssetup.sys ahci drivers which we import by nLite How I did it is -> get .iso file, decompress -> replace the above files -> nlite to import ahci driver -> make bootable .iso. Attached you can find all the files that are needed and work with Z390 without modding the bios. Will add more about usb etc later. NOTE ABOUT OLDER IMAGES: About older images - still being tested but you will probably need to boot via older mobo, replace acpi.sys, syssetup.sys and install drivers. Then you should be able to get the SSD and boot on z390. UPDATE v2: Ok so - current easy way that worked for us to update older images (z170/z270/z370) to work on Z390 is the following: a) copy acpi.sys (system32/drivers) and syssetup.dll (system32) from Z390 Files.zip b) the two .sys files from AHCI Update.zip to system32/drivers (drivers from Jason but removed the files that arent needed for this process) c) boot on an older working mobo (ie z270) d) run the .reg file (from AHCI Update.zip) and input the entries e) shutdown and boot normally on z390 CREDITS: Credits go to Win-Raid's users Fernando, XPLives, Daniel_k & diderius6. I think the files are from Fernando and @diderius66 (don't remember as I went through tons of them) but all of them contributed over thousands of posts to get this working. Z390 Files.zip AHCI Update.zip
  14. Will try to get it to work once I got time and write a guide about it to make it easier/accessible for everyone.
  15. There is not much to say to be honest. Everyone recognizes Albrecht's effort and work over the years and that is unquestionable even for people who haven't met/get to know him (no need to start typing how great of a person he is etc). At this point, I don't feel like anyone can complain for him wanting to stop and can't blame him either. From my end this is totally justified. Hope everything goes well for him and in the meantime I hope the autopilot (hwbot) works.
  16. Thanks guys! Some additional photos can be found here: @Rauf rare photo of me doing work leaked online
  17. So far looks like IMC limitation. Memory should still have more ?
  18. Hi guys, thought to share the new bios for M11A that helps getting higher CL to work for memory frequency. Before, with CL24 max limitation was 4933 on air. New bios with the same stick and cpu can do 5300MHz easily. Enjoy ROG-MAXIMUS-XI-APEX-ASUS-0018.7z
  19. thanks guys. Was a bit yolo but was fun after all
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