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Everything posted by buildzoid

  1. I don't see a problem because every time H2O guys get WRs they get dethroned pretty quick and they have no chance of having a WR until the next piece of new overpriced hardware comes out. I see problems with things like 5960Xs and 6950Xs carrying relatively crap GPU OCs to really high scores. But when someone goes and pays 1200$ so that they can have a WR for the 1/2 months it takes LN2 guys to figure out the GPU I really don't care because it's a short term problem that happens every year every time new hardware releases. I don't like the current point system but IMO H2O on TITAN XPs getting WRs is a minor issue compared to the ridiculous BS that happens to midrange GPUs users when someone decides to go seal clubbing 3DM score with a 5960X or 6950X and a midrange GPU.
  2. I don't see a problem. The original TITAN crushed everything and needed E-power to not blow up then the 780Ti came and wrecked it. Same happened with TITAN X same will happen with TITAN XP. That's just how the GPU high scores work. WRs have always been a money black hole with TITAN XP the money black hole got 20% hungrier but other than that nothing changed. Once people figure out LN2 on the TITAN XP we will see fights between TITAN XPs instead of 1080s. I still don't see much of a difference.
  3. 100% tested to be working on my own RX 480. I will add an OCP mod if OCP becomes a problem.
  4. Never been tested by me however Der8auer asked earlier today about the mod so he might confirm it some time soon. I'm considering getting a 1060 that has the same controller to check for myself that it works. I didn't specify a resistance specifically because I don't have a TITAN X on hand to check what the exact value should be and even after I get the 1060 I can't specify because MSI might have used different value resistors on their 1060.
  5. This is exactly what I would do if I had a card with the uPi 9511. I wouldn't post it if I wasn't sure enough to do it myself.
  6. not the right pin?
  7. I think everyone here knows how to deal with Nvidia power limits so I won't bother with them. DISCLAIMER: this mod will void your warranty and I am not be held accountable if your card doesn't work after performing it I recently found the uPi 9511 datasheet and that allows me to do this: Thanks to techpowerup for the image: https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/NVIDIA/Titan_X_Pascal/4.html BTW I only going of photos and do not have a TITAN X on hand to test if this works properly. Based on the datasheet and my vmod experience it should.
  8. Have you tried higher memory clock? GPU tweak II allows as much as 9K.
  9. Lemme guess it basically just runs /wi06,AA,BB,CC AA is the device ID of the 3567B on I2C. BB is the offset voltage register. CC is the offset voltage amount.
  10. that horrible mess next to the score screenshot is the rig. On ambient I did 1525mhz with 1.42V at around 45-50C core temp. With DICE I was always running bellow -20C. I didn't manage to get 6.30 on Pi. At first I kept crashing because of too high batch size and then I also noticed that I'm on Pi 2.2 not 2.3.4 so I need to re run it. I have more in store for catzilla since I was passing Pi and 3D 01 at 1800 core. However for 3D 01 I crash as soon as I try to OC the CPU. No idea why.
  11. GPU-z doesn't have power readouts for the Fury X. So I can't check. I just went of your data for the registers so I just changed 4D from 60 to 20.
  12. Pretty much it crashes after running for a bit. The time interval for the crash is random. I tried using afterburner's I2C to change Iscale but it didn't do anything for the negative performance scaling.
  13. That must be why it crashes for me. Oh well I guess I'll just have to go through afterburner.
  14. All 290/290X/390/390X/Fury/FuryX cards use the 3567B. The 3567B is the only controller that supports AMD's new power management systems on those cards and so all of them have to use it. Is there anything I can pull from my cards so that you can make the tool Fury X compatible? I tried the current version and trying to do anything with the tool causes the card to crash and shut down the voltage controller.
  15. I did 1200mhz on my Nanya ASUS.
  16. Yeah that's the kit. I only have the RVE for DDR4 stuff and XMP on the kit does not work with the board. It tries use 167BCLK to get the RAM up to speed and then falls flat on it's face when you save and restart. I did manage to get 3400 working on 1 or 2 sticks but quad channel was impossible. However that's the Rampage's fault. The board dropped channel C and D every so often with any kit of RAM. 3400 on this kit with 4 sticks was never doable. I wish I could test with the champ or a Z170 board but ATM I have neither.
  17. I have't pulled of the heatsinks but I asked someone else who had them and they said D-die. Also from what I know about Hynix they should behave very differently from what I've seen. Hynix MFR should do 3000 15-15-15-34. There is no way in hell that you will get that working on these sticks. IIRC you can push the CL pretty low on my kit but Ras to Cas and Ras precharge need to be 17 or higher or it won't start at clocks from 3000 up.
  18. No problem I know what a PITA all the uPi datasheets are to find. This is site is so far the most reliable for finding uPi pinouts. I also found pinouts for the 9511 and 9509 chips that Nvidia uses on the new 10xx cards on that site.
  19. What are people getting on the memory clock? I can't seem to go over 1200mhz and I can't figure out how to get memory voltage raised on the ASUS card(no datasheets ). I'm considering using the DRAM VRM chunk of my Sabertooth(I'm working on making it a power board) and just using that to power the VRAM. BTW here's the ASUS card Vcore datasheet: http://www.ubiq-semi.com/en-article-upi-473-1458
  20. I have a 4x4GB kit of 3400 CL16 Geil Super Luce. The Rampage V extreme really hated them so I never found the limit of the sticks(the bpard can't even load the XMP for them). I think the best I ran was 3333mhz 13-17-17-22-1T on 1.65ish. I have the original blister pack for all of them.
  21. So what kind of cooling are people considering? I'm getting DICE for Saturday. I'm just gonna cover the card in DICE. Not going to use any interface liquid just going to keep the heatsink covered in DICE. My card already does well over 1500 core clock on air so I'm hoping for 1700mhz with cold.
  22. Someone needs to do 8x 295X2 for 16GPUs total.
  23. X99 is generally terrible when trying to go over 3000mhz on RAM. The CPU IMCs and motherboards just don't like doing it. I suggest you just drop it down to 3000mhz and try lower timings because 3200 is probably going to be dodgy at best regardless of what you do unless you shove a ton of voltage into the memory controller.
  24. Since the Fury X uses the same voltage controller would it be possible to use the EVC with RX 480 settings on it? BTW do you still sell EVCs?
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