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Everything posted by buildzoid

  1. Tady v sell foru. Todle neni muj nejlepsi kus. Je asi 50 - 100mhz horis nez ten co mam tetka v pocitaci.
  2. That looks like it will perform. You're gonna have to tell us a cool down to -196C time once it's done.
  3. I'm soooo close to top 10 3Dmark FS and FSE 3-way. The biggest problem that I have is since all the cards have raised voltage on core I need to bench at -70mv on the first card. -120mv on the second and -90mv on the third(real volts range from 1.25 to 1.3V). If I give them any more voltage the FPS falls of a cliff. But obviously with so low voltages I can't run above 1150mhz core even though I know for a fact that the cards can do 1200+ if I give them the volts. I'm going to need to acquire an E-power somehow because the one I had is still on my old GTX 590 back in the CZ and by the looks of it EVGA isn't selling them any longer.
  4. So because raising Vcore on the Fury X causes massive drops in performance I'm investigate ways to get the card to behave. I think the FPS drop is caused by power tune. The easiest solution to that is that I mod the power sensing circuits of the IR3567B so that it sees the card using less power. However this also means that I'll be running the risk of blowing up the high side FETs. So I'm considering trying an E-power mod on the card. Now my concern with this is that apparently the R9 290X which also used the IR3567B was a nightmare to get working with an E-power. On the Fury X the IR3567B controls the HBM and core vlotages. Since both the HBM and core happily run on 1.35-1.4V I can just use 1 E-power to feed both of them. So that isn't a problem. The thing I'm worried about is which pins do I need to trick on the IR3567B. Do I just pull the following pins to 3.3V?: VRDY2 PWRGD/VRDY1 PWR_OK Or are there others that I also need to trick? Is there any other things I should be aware of that could be an issue? Here's the public datasheet for the IR3567B: http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/pb-ir3567b.pdf BTW: I've tried BIOS mods and hard mods for the voltages nothing prevents the drop in FPS so this is the only thing I can think of that could work other than the power sensing mods.
  5. I think I know what you might be getting at but I still think it would be more convenient to just punch in a voltage value and let some micro controller do all the adjustments for you.
  6. Could you not just short the power sensing shunts to get a higher power limit?
  7. It's a Foxconn 790i Dreadnaught.
  8. Ok so after messing around with volt modding all my Fury X's I've decided that I'm just going to learn how the DACs are supposed to be used because being able to also lower Vcore as well as raise it would be nice when your volt mod doesn't go perfectly.
  9. Should be fine depending on how he did it.
  10. The goal of this projects is no more pots. I hate the damn things. They're too small require a screw driver to adjust and you need several different sizes depending on the GPU. Right now I have all the digital pots I need for a single controller. I'll try wire those up and if I don't like how it works I'll try figure out how the DAC thing is supposed to work. I'm not sure about connectors yet they aren't too much of a priority until I know the tool works.
  11. The cool down speed is a combination of mass and surface area. The heat up is almost entirely tied to the mass of the pot. 1Kg of copper has a thermal capacity of 385J. So a 385W heat source would raise the temp by 1C in 1 second. Your pot's base with no holes will have a mass of about 2Kg. I'd just try to get as much surface area as possible while keeping the mass between 1Kg and 1.5Kg depending on what CPU you plan to use with the pot
  12. Suprisingly the chat is not as Trolly on April 1st as it was yesterday
  13. Im guessing shipping that dewar to the UK is going to be stupid expensive.
  14. CPU is reserved. I've decided to keep the RAM.
  15. I have a plan to solve that. But it's a little hard to explain.
  16. My plan was to hook up several digital potentiometers in series. I'd have a 250K going to a 200K to a 50K to a 20K to a 5K and finally a 1K(I might change these values some more since I think I have too much overlap between the different sizes). Each has 256 settings and I just start lowering resistance on them in order from largest to smallest until the Vcore is just bellow the target value(this would be taken care of by some equations). Doing it this way means that I always start with a 500K ohm resistance and it only drops bellow that when I want to change voltage. I can get a 4 channel digital pot of each the sizes I listed for about 4 GBP so it's kinda expensive since I need 6 per tool with the current design. They all use I2C so I can control them using the arduino. I will do some more research into the DACs since they might be cheaper than my method. EDIT I just realized that I need Way fewer pots for my own design than I initially thought. EDIT2: Maximum resistance will be 1Mohm and minimum will be ~11ohm. Here's my attempt at a "schematic" of the 3 resistance channels: It should clarify how I intend to achieve the resistance control. Also this design is also pretty OK price wise because the 5K pots are under a pound on DigiKey and the other two pots are around 2 pounds each. All of them support I2C so that's how I will control them all. Now I just need to figure out the ADCs LEDs Displays and controls. EDIT3: I've realized that there needs to be some way to define a maximum voltage limit for each channel manually. Should only need 1 extra button to do it and some better LED control to indicate that the voltage limit is being set on that channel. EDIT 4: I've realized that I need some transistors to by pass the 1M ohm pots and 5K ohm pots when going into the very low resistances because the pots have a minimum resistance of about 70ohms.
  17. From my understanding of that datasheet that DAC will not necessarily match the different current amounts that different FB loops work with right off the bat. With my design I was imagining that I just hook it into the FB loop and then it starts lowering the resistance until the voltage sense line hits the voltage you ask it to reach. To do that it has several thousand different resistance settings. That DAC has only 31 settings. I have doubts about being able to use that DAC on a GPU like the 260X on which I used a 25K ohm pot and then just hook it up to a Fury X which needs a 100-200ohm pot without any adjustments in between. Other than that I guess I will go with the arduino micro for prototyping. Here's a mockup of what I want it to look like:
  18. I had an idea for a device that I want to make because I'm sick of having to pick up piles and piles of pots to get voltage control on different GPUs. I guess it's going to basically be a dumb EVC. Basically it's going to be a pile of digital potentiometers with some inbuilt sensing and safeties to make hard modding easier. Here's my goal for the features: 3 channels(VCC,VMEM,misc voltage rail) offering resistances from 2ohms(the lowest I've seen) up to 500kohm(the highest I've seen) Each channel will also have an option to monitor voltage and set limits on how much overvoltage is possible(my biggest fear with hard mods is setting the pots to really low resistances by accident). With some clever coding this could be setup to also counter act voltage drop in situations like the E-power on a TITAN-X because you just tell the device to hold X voltage and when the voltage drops bellow that it will adjust the pots to push more voltage(this might not be fast enough to work properly but you could try to slow down the voltage drop with extra caps to the point where this thing does keep up) Connector so that you only need to attach a connector to the GPU you plan to mod and whenever you want to use the device on another GPU you can just unplug it and solder a new connector to the new GPU. I'm not yet sure what I'll use as the brains for this monstrosity since I've done exactly 0 stuff with any kinds of micro controllers so if anyone has suggestions that would be great. If you have any other suggestions for cool simple to implement functions I'd love to hear them.
  19. Bump. Deal on RAM + CPU at 750 eur shipped.
  20. Well I guess I'll be benching some Pi today.
  21. Price drop on 5960X to 720eur
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