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Mean Machine

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Everything posted by Mean Machine

  1. That's true. I feel he'd be able to make a living on the Philippine beaches with all the sex tourists.
  2. I didn't really consider that. I can start a separate fundraiser for "have M.Beier stay away from Computex", see who wins.
  3. Well, you're bound to weigh more than 22kgs anyway. Not much, but a little. Trouffman: Yeah, I haven't specified return shipping. Only looked up shipping costs to Taipei.
  4. I have a deal, it's just that the invoice wasn't according to that. Not that it'll become 50 cents cheap, but at least it'll reduce the costs with 30% or so. Besides, the health and safety regulations in this country are immense. Even AGA (Linde) themselves think they sell bottled witchcraft that will kill everybody who comes in contact with it.
  5. That ferry itinerary looks interesting. Is that the Typhoon special?
  6. I got up close and very personal with my first LN2 invoice. 200€ for 50 liters. Not amused.
  7. This can be arranged for a small additional donation. Think of it like the collection in church. As said in the opening post - there will be a full documentary supporting it.
  8. It'll be around 4-500€.
  9. Well, it'll be heavy, and if it's declared as bacon, they'll figure 90kgs (50kg crate, 40kg Marc) of bacon is worth more than 50€. Maybe I can declare it as water and declare the value as 5€ instead. Contents are ~75% water anyway.
  10. All donations will go towards getting ri... Ehm, transportation costs. I'll just declare it as "bacon" for €50.
  11. For real, any money donated will go towards actually sending him to Computex. With UPS. It's the persuasion bit that might need some gangster tactics... And duct tape.
  12. It's okay. I'm VAT registered. It's totally legit.
  13. Now, since we're all tired of this M.Beier (at least us in Europe), I figured we'd give ourselves a break. Therefore, I've created the "Send Beier to Computex in a crate" foundation, which strives towards making Europe M.Beier-free for week 23 of 2012. The idea is that we will get hold of a crate big enough, and send him to Taipei by UPS. Unfortunately, there is an issue with having to ship him in one piece, logistics wise, but I'm not confident laws will allow us trying to reassemble him. As an added incentive for Mr. Beier himself, he will be given the opportunity to be the star of a sure-fire hit-documentary called "Boxed In" where he will document his 48-72 hours of being treated as the unnecessary cargo he is, food and supplies will all be paid for with donations - enough batteries for the camera to last 10-15h of footage during the trip, a cozy blanket, etc. I feel you all are itching to support the cause. Make Europe a Beier-free zone for W23. And become a part of the best documentary you'll ever see at the same time. Use the button below.
  14. Monstru's backyard looks just like I imagined it.
  15. I did some runs earlier tonight, did 32M at ~5350MHz and 2400MHz quad-channel with some nice RAM. Didn't bother taking screens though, as I was just testing CPUs. On the 1.21 BIOS.
  16. Yeah... Btw, if you need an extra dose of overpriced mayo, I'll be in Grandstand Gold 3 at Spa from 30/8-2/9. In case you're wondering where you'll find me that weekend.
  17. Big wooden crate with UPS. It's on me. Seriously.
  18. Make sure to bring your Rohypnol pills.
  19. Random Access Memory Body Odor. Oyea.
  20. Nice going there. Glue it back on and RMA it. EDIT: Oh, you didn't do it on your 990X. Wuss.
  21. I take that as "noone is competing, we need competitors!"
  22. Yes. I heard Beier is going, so I'm not attending Cebit. It's not a joke though.
  23. Maybe it reverses time and gives you extra good scores. Like a SuperPi 1M run of -25 seconds.
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