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Everything posted by K404

  1. One guy and two cards is.... one guy and 2 cards. There's CuIIs out there that clock like reference cards as well..... I guess Smoke can be added to the list of guys using their own money to bin until they find something really worth competing with. I probably should have started my comment with (The vast majority) Anyway.... my point is.... your point is mute here vivi, sorry... whoever has the best hardware gets the rankings, be it CPU binning, GPU binning, or both. Having one 2D bench that only needs one supply of great hardware is neither here nor there when theres 6 that do.
  2. Well, to be fair how many insane GPUs are in retail? Best samples are, co-incidentally, in the hands of people close to the company
  3. Uh-oh I actually kinda like Unigine, other than the over-used fly-past/ camera pans. It's nice to have a couple of longer benches
  4. If you describe it like that, that's all the benches we've ever had.
  5. I'm not gonna report this for something so simple.... wrong screenshot bro!
  6. Hynix.... interesting Mine has Samsung BJ1A
  7. This happened on Rev 3 too, IIRC, but it feels even more annoying on Rev 4 a 3D example: If I navigate to the (e.g.) 3DVantage leaderboard and look at a score, when I hit the back button, it takes me back to the default leaderboard.... the first on the list (3DMark01) I want to go back to the (e.g.) Vantage leaderboard! Please can this be fixed? It is really really annoying Also...... default page for each 3D benchmark.... how are the scores arranged? I see a random mix of single and SLI, deffo not arranged by score or username. I don't think it's be date either?
  8. Ticket ID: 1294 Priority: Low In the GPU list, there is \"8600 GT GDDR3 (32 shaders)\"\r\n\r\nThis is just an 8600GT, GDDR3, isn\'t it? There are already categories for each RAM volume, I think this one is un-necessary I meant duplicate. spelling fail!
  9. Should we have ATI league too? Aircooled GTX580 will do better than an LN2 cooled 6970, for example
  10. Are you using Rivatuner? If so, Power User -> Overclocking -> Max MHz limit and set it to 100 (or higher) The setting path is very close to that, cant remember the exact wording
  11. Ok.... whats your secret to Pixel Shader? 4550FPS?
  12. Hey bro! Try drivers 169.21 for 3D01 and maybe 3D03, the score should be much better for you
  13. Oh... .thanks for moving 3DMark01 in the benchmark list..... please can 3DMark06 and AM3 get swapped around as well?
  14. Don't know if its been mentioned, please can cooling be added to the CPU and GPU fields in each submissions detail page? (or even on the main page of hardware leaderboards)
  15. Happy birthday bro!

  16. Hey If enough people agree and if it "looks" right, please can the 3D benchmark list get "juggled" so it's in chronological/ numerical order? Having 3DM01 towards the bottom is just... alien... Thats all thats jumped out at me so far I think I like it Also..... please can results have hardware rankings included in the benchmark results list, without needing to go into the result details?
  17. Hey pro! You got any ideas about this? :







  18. Ironically, Pro has "normal" Pixel Shader results! (which adds to the question)
  19. I'm not getting any scaling from CPU. Thanks for all the ideas but I don't think you guys are quite reading this right. Most guys are getting ~3200-3600FPS in the Pixel Shader test with an overclocked ATI card. A few are getting 4400- 4600FPS. Some people know something the majority do not. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2164482_kurbel_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_38050_marks 6970: 4.6K http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2124520_dinos111_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_36109_marks 6970: 4K http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2164852_s_a_v_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_35415_marks 6970: 4.6K?? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2146581_stevero_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_39375_marks 5870: 4.4K http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2159966_topdog_pcmark_2005_core_i7_2600k_40803_marks 5870: 4.2K http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1039158_blindfitter_pcmark_2005_core_2_e8600_3.33ghz_29636_marks 5870: 4.2K Not all of those use the same O.S. or drivers.
  20. I'm usually running PCI-E @ 107++ so I don't *think* so
  21. Hey Crusty LOD got me a few FPS, nothing close to 1000
  22. No such thing Only gentlemans agreements
  23. Hey When using ATI cards (5870) in PCM05, 3200-3600FPS is easy enough in the Pixel Shader test.... Whats the tweak that gets the score to 4200- 4600FPS? Thanks
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