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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. I must say I am pretty lucky in USA. I have 5 microcenters within driving distance, one is 15 min away and the other 4 are 30-45min away. You can only buy 1 cpu every 2 weeks but you go to different stores on different days and use different names. Also Amazon takes them back. I definitely try not to abuse it though, so I dont ruin it. That's why I bought from Case King, but 6100 was found at Microcenter. Sorry for OT but I had to say we are still pretty lucky in USA compared to other countries, depending on where you live of course.
  2. the best thing to do is look on ebay for dewars with no lid and best offer, and give like really low ball offer, most will of course say no, but I got 3 dewars this way. Then I bought a 20L off my ln2 supplier, the welding supply, and they hooked me up with a couple of lids. You could also try your ln2 supplier, they sometimes have old cheap ones. I got really lucky also. Bought one on ebay and came with huge dent. I complained because wasnt in the picture. They refunded my money and didnt ask for tank back. it holds great. I put a camera with a string and did a video of the inside and the vaccum isnt damaged. Try stuff like this.
  3. But cpu overclocking doesnt work this way. I mean you can get globals right now with a $100 core i3 6100. If cpu overclocking was the same as gpu overclocking is, then the 6950x would be the only chance for global points. This just doesnt make sense. If it was the other way around everyone would think it was crazy. I think we really need a gpu equivalent of a 6100 or 6700k. I do agree with the competition part. That's why I am making sure to submit to cheapaz chips and division 3, using a 710 and 580. I think we have some really cool cost effective things happening with ocesports platform. I think it's going in a good direction and hopefully grows a bit more.
  4. Good Luck With Sale Nacho, looks like really nice chip.
  5. I do understand what your saying. I have finally accepted that I can't afford the best of the best and to start trying to have fun in other way, like cheapaz chips and division 3. But I still think it would be fun to bench cheaper cards for globals, no matter how it's done.
  6. it's not necessarily a problem I dont think. We are trying to think of ways to improve gpu benching. And to make it more like cpu benching is now. Where you can get globals with a 2 core cpu. I dont have the perfect answer but I think it's a good discussion. Like Rauf said, it is very appealing to think if we had a gpu equivalent of a 2 or 4 core cpu class in gpu benching. It's something we really need.
  7. really awesome man, now this is an interesting 742 score
  8. That's all I want also, it sounds amazing and a lot of fun. It's a shame we are not benching a lot of these cards, we could be having a ton of fun. Also I dont think this has anything to do with titan. We have been throwing these ideas around for awhile now. I also think releasing 4k catzilla and fsu will help alot. If you buy a titan right now, there arent even that many non cpu bound benches, so you would need a 8-10 core also. I have enough for one or the other but not both. Who wants to buy a titan, mod it, then compete in like 3 benches. More intensive benches might help.
  9. show some pictures of your mod, maybe we spot something. Cant wait to bench my card this weekend, looking really nice on air.
  10. ya I mean I hate making suggestions like that sometimes because I honestly dont know how it could all work. But opening up amd could help so much. Nowadays when trying to plan some global points, it's like amd doesnt even cross your mind. We are missing out on so many pretty cool gpu's. Especially since elmor and der8auer put out a ton of info on rx480. I still love Rauf's idea but just thought it was something worth mentioning. I guess it would be a problem if amd caught up one day. But if they could possibly be separate then it might not be such a big deal. I would grab a rx480 right now.
  11. really amazing looking table, really want one. I love armaflex but sometimes hate when the board looks like it's warping a bit. I'm always cringing when mounting. And this is awesome to be able to use without the legs, because the dimastech easy made my pots too tall off my desk. I never used it again after about 10 min. But this is really nice to have option of legs or no legs. The push standoffs are really cool also.
  12. Man this idea would be incredible. Imagine being able to get globals with a 1070, 1060. I was also thinking the other day, AMD has behind now for so long isnt it time we maybe split amd and nvidia globals. Or find a way to make amd cards relevant in globals again. We should never adjust points based on a companies performance but this has been going on now for years. AMD has some really nice priced gpus, getting them back involved with globals would help so much. It almost doesnt make sense for them to compete for the same global points because they are so far behind. It would be so cool if we were all benching rx480's or something similar. I wish I could afford a titan x but I just cant. I would love to bench one.
  13. I know I was so mad, I really wanted to meet you. Hopefully there is another one.
  14. man it's so crazy to think your short on cpu power with that monster, but I guess those cards are even bigger monsters, haha
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