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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. Some people probably dont even have non k cpus so that's not a good idea. With a card this low end it will be fine. I mean it would be nice if everyone used a 4 core but it shouldnt matter too much. Also look at the stages. With Catzilla even with 980 ti you can get a great score with a 4 core cpu. 3d01 doesnt scale with cores, all you need is 2 cores and remember this gpu is very weak. and gpupi is 1 of the only benches we have that cpu doesnt have a big influence on scores. Obviously they planned this out nicely. They used a very cheap gpu and picked benchmarks that dont really scale with cpu cores. And since the gpu is low end cpu speed shouldnt make a tremendous difference. You should be able to do fine in this comp with a 6100 even
  2. ya I was having better results with 116 for i3 and so I went with that. After about an hour of running over and over. I switched to 107 in middle of session and still bad. I stripped the os, disabled a ton of services, was using realtime. I saw huge jump in score after like 3 runs but never got it back after that. Tonight Im not going to run hwbot prime until I am at 6630mhz and try and get that jump again. I pretty much jumped right into ln2 when I started really benching and still dont know a ton of tweaks. After this tank is over will probably take a break and work on it.
  3. ya it's weird, I sprayed a lot of contact cleaner in socket last night and the session was great, I was just afraid to play with memory since last troubles. I was originally just working on hwbot prime so I didnt care about memory but my efficiency was so dissapointing that I needed to try something else to make me feel a bit better about the night. Next session will be much better. Thanks a lot for all your help.
  4. hey do you guys know if the hwbot abx version works for 7970, or if one of the versions in your thread does. Or if anyone has it that can send it. Thanks.
  5. here you go, if doesnt work with my drive then let me know, was bored at work and downloaded every one. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-E2IRjLOeFwMTZZTHYxTG5Vdm8
  6. so glad I got my score back last night, efficiency is so bad, but cpu is amazing. I really need to take break from ln2 and work on efficiency. For some reason perftune process wont change priority, even with process lasso. Need to try again before I disable any services maybe. But I had such a blast with this board, cant wait to try geekbench tonight
  7. man I had so much fun with this board this weekend but I am so dissapointed, I lost the score, my os got corrupt at end of session and I never exported the data file out of xtu and I couldnt get back into os, so I couldnt get the file. I scored 2162 xtu at 6.33ghz cpu, 6.33ghz cache, 3970mhz cl12 mem, efficiency wasnt great but it's the first score I lost, what a crappy feeling, but the board was a lot of fun with my 6700k, gonna try and reproduce score tonight, that was my first real night with board. I had trouble with 3733mhz cl13 on m8e.
  8. here try this from my google drive or get the newest download and just change the link address to 118 and it will still be available. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-E2IRjLOeFwZ1J6TndfOExQQWM
  9. please 1 suggestion to improve m8e for next board. Please make 24pin connector looser fitting. Like exactly the x99 champion connector was perfect. I feel like I am going to damage my board eventually. It's sooo tight. But I love the board otherwise, its amazing.
  10. ok cool thx, finally grabbed my first can from home depot, sprayed socket last night, gonna try cold again now. Trying different memory also. thx man.
  11. nice deal, I would love a personal tank, I can definitely share, thats a great price. Is it annoying to ask for a personal tank. Might finally get a durango monday so I will be able to bring my dewars. So then we have 1 person can share with funsoul. I can book a room if someone wants to go half. i was thinking of skipping the event originally but it sounds like too much fun and would love to meet all you guys.
  12. do you know how much it would be for a personal tank, I would like one. I havent signed up yet only because I really wanted to share a room so I can make it a little cheaper.
  13. Should I spray some of the crc contact cleaner? The bottom of my case king cpu came a little dirty, I cleaned really well with alcohol, that shouldnt be it right? Because I always kept my socket so clean, but maybe a tiny bit of vas melted underneath or something.
  14. nice cpu, sick score. That boards style is awesome
  15. ya it has been humid in new york past couple days, I do have a/c right in bench room. I cleaned mem slots with crc cleaner and applied vas up against slots and in between each slot (not in them) and then put tissue in between each one. Gotta start using something besides vas, seems like too many issues for me with mem slots. Gonna try some afr tonight that is prepped for cold to see if helps at all. It's so frustrating to see 6.5ghz pass in 06 but score so far off because stock mem. Thanks for the tip.
  16. man going nuts with m8e and cold. After about 30-45min of benching I get a crash and it tries to restart and I get post code 55, which I cant get past. If I change memory to auto I can boot and bench fine. Last night I spent a few hours cleaning all mem slots with crc contact cleaner and cleaning bottom of cpu and blew out socket with air. I reapplied vas just in case the paper towels removed too much. But it happened again. CPU was benching 3d06 at 6.5ghz but with stock mem, score is bad. I also noticed if I disable ram channel A it seems to work fine again. I killed my first m8e so I havent done a ton of sessions with this board yet. I cant figure out whats wrong.
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