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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. That's weird, I havent tried non-k oc with msi yet only asus and asrock so I cant be much help. Hopefully someone will stop by. You could also try the msi skylake threads.
  2. ya I mean I dont see why you couldnt go up to 1.4v on aio. I mean I tried up to 1.5v last night on custom water, didnt help though.
  3. I know it's depressing but my 6300 last night wouldnt boot more than 4.3. I couldnt believe it but I guess some of these chips can be really bad. What cooling are you using, because you could probably bump the vcore a bit.
  4. if your setting 122 bclk that could be your problem. I couldnt do that much last night. Start at 110 and work your way up. Also make sure you are reducing your ram speed as your upping base clock
  5. Hey guys, has anyone tested an i3 on air that was terrible but ended up being ok on ln2. The new chip I got barely did 4.3 hwbot prime on air maxed out. Is it worth trying on ln2? My good i3 does 4.8 hwbot prime air and 6.1 ln2. Was just hoping someone had a dog on air that ended up being good Now that we have non-k oc I can finally maybe oc the chips at work. We always have locked i3's and i5's but my boss just got a locked skylake i5. About to switch my bad i3. I'm definitely not an IT guy yet but I take care of all the pc's at work.
  6. I was able to install one in this thread on my xp 32, cant remember if I used it or not but it installed, going to go home in 10min and check.
  7. ya after using dancop's method I have been able to bench full pot with no cracks anymore. The big thing for me was I was trying to be cheap and reuse the paste under ihs for a few sessions, now new paste every time and no cracks.
  8. cool thanks, not a big deal, just figured I would ask
  9. the formula drive. Like with the ocf the one you have in your xs thread only has the oc part, but with this one it has all the tools. It's not bad I was just wondering if there was the lighter version for mocf.
  10. I would just say that if you are going to be benching cold a lot this board is nice because you have some extra room, and it's also really nice for xp with ps/2 ports, ide mode and extra pcie slots for a usb card, so imo more xp friendly. Also a bit cheaper. hey does anyone have a standalone oc tweaker like for the ocf?
  11. awesome score, would be excited for more chips, never bought one but been binning with not much luck lately. Do you know how soon? We should totally just respond with gif's and clips from now on and have a battle to see who is the most clever, will make the comments much more interesting, haha.
  12. Thanks so much guys, even though this score was annoying for me it did help me a lot with becoming more efficient. But really I should hate all of you. I used to be able to buy one decent kit per generation and just use it for all my cpu and gpu benching, but now Im spending so much on memory. I have 3 b-die kits, 2 afr and one mfr, not a lot for you guys but for me its crazy. Now I have an extra expense, haha.
  13. I'm so happy I can bench this board for real now. The new kit I got 3600 c15, was benching xtu fine at 3970 cl12 50/51 7/7, but 3840 cl12 49/50 6/6 was giving me better score. it was my first night with the kit, can't wait to dial everything in with better cpu.
  14. it looks like it is but I'm not really familiar with the asus 580, I only have 580 classy and 580 lightning, both with voltage control, Since that card is a matrix there must be a way to raise the voltage without doing a vr mod, I just never looked into it. I can try and find out for you. But there must be a different issue going on.
  15. it looks like the feedback pin on that IC is 11 but I'm not sure about your issue or if this will help.
  16. Thanks man, it looks like my ssd was possibly failing. I saw it mentioned somewhere in google and tried a good ssd and it worked right away. Really weird.
  17. I found a great cpu but it's so frustrating because it seems to have like a reset cold bug. So it can bench full pot and can even restart at around -175 but if I crash or hit the retry button it wont boot again until -125. Which is horrible because it's right around the point where it might start to crack. It's so annoying to have a full pot and then have to get down to -125. I guess this chip I need to find max and then not really mess with it after that, but finding max is painful. Then I test 2 more chips after this one and both can go full pot and have no reset cb, and cbb at -175, they both do the same thing but both cant do more than like 6.2ghz hwbot prime. So frustrating. Is there anything that helps a reset cb, I dont even know if that the right word.
  18. its possible that last little bit of base clock is pushing the mem to unstable speed and not really cpu that's failing. You could try higher vdimm or vccio
  19. Nice, but ya you totally right, when I got 741 I was so bored after a day of that it really made me hate oc. I was so excited when I first saw this because I thought it was little yellow
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