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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. this thread helped me a lot with my ocf and 6320/6700k. Full pot benching on 6320 last night with not a single crack all night after hours of benching. My first real full pot session on skylake where I could really just fill to top and let run. The most important things for me were the extending of the die with the thermal paste. Also I think most important for me was not playing around at lower temperatures which I used to always do just to slowly walk up and see what cpu could do. Now straight to -160 and fine tune from there. Thanks so much for the thread, I feel so happy. I was so frustrated, I even took a break for awhile because I wasnt having fun with all the cracks.
  2. Really sorry to hear that. Nice score and efficiency.
  3. I have a 81% asic 980 ti kpe that I might try and sell also, was going to maybe hit you up about a trade, but I'm having so much fun playing games with it right now, best gaming experience I ever had.
  4. hey I finally got my card, I got the rev 2 because it has samsung memory. Do you know if an ln2 bios is floating around, or maybe matrix one will work. Do you know if we still remove the same 2 resistors with the sammy version? Sorry for all the questions, not much info around about rev 2 strix.
  5. I just grabbed a strix with sammy mem. Do you guys think the matrix samsung ln2 bios would work ok, has anyone tried. I know I can just short the shunts but obviously an ln2 bios is easier. There was only one posted for strix and I'm assuming it was when the card had hynix mem.
  6. for some other boards changing twrwr_dd & twrwr_dr to like 8 and above helps me a lot with 4 sticks.
  7. in that guide it has 2 steps, I see how to add the device ID from the example inf above, but there is a second part for adding support to the OS. Is that step necessary. Can I use this exact line that I found in the example inf and add to the OS section of the inf I am modding? %NVIDIA_DEV.17C8% = Section008, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_17C8
  8. I had trouble with links also but took the file ID and added to a different url and it worked. it says empty folder after clicking on link but I used google chrome and have google drive so there was an add to google drive button in upper right and it put it right into my drive and downloaded fine after. These should work https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B2mrL4IrCzQEb3dCTlRmYTgyWlU/edit https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B2mrL4IrCzQEcjZSUTFVTmRmMEU/edit
  9. I also think it's the actual process of removing the glue. With the pcb being so thin it twists ever so slightly. after removing glue had 00 on m8e and didnt want to believe it and pushed the start button 3 more times and then mobo would never turn on again.. But it does also smash the die. My first chip had really bad marks on the die just from the pressure of ihs on die and not from sliding or anything. One piece of electrical tape on each side was enough to stop that, but it was crazy the marks left in the tape from the ihs, the hold down really squeezes the two together without that glue.
  10. I dont know if this relates to your situation but you mentioned scraping the glue off. I did a perfect delid on my 6700k and it worked great. But I wanted to apply new glue so I scraped off old glue. After scraping off glue cpu wouldnt boot anymore, i tried a few more times to boot and it actually killed my m8e. There wasnt a single scratch or imperfection on the cpu but I must have twisted it a tiny bit when scraping glue, the pcb is so thin. Just be careful not to kill mobo's if the cpu's are dead. That really sucks, sorry you have to go thru it
  11. cool thanks guys, I was actually proud of myself and found the cached view. it looks like the site is back up, thanks elmor. XA, I was going to go to microcenter and pick the card up tonight. I'm hoping it's the new rev with sammy mem and someone mentioned updated controller. I had so much fun with my 980 strix I want to try it again.
  12. Strong Island


    it's done 8200mhz firestrike easily at 1.75v, but lately I have been addicted to gaming so I have just tried to set it at 8000mhz to make sure I dont crash in the middle of a long fallout session. But it's setup right now with a uni block on the m8e so I can send some screenshots of what it does gaming and what it does benching max. I can get you some quotes, no big deal on gpu, just figured I would mention it, I just havent had enough money to really bench it. It's so frustrating, but the mobo is brand new with oc panel box and accessories, I'm so dumb and forgot you were in uk, the box is huge. I can still get some quotes though.
  13. I have been using strips of electrical tape for months now and it never seems to be consistent. At one point no crack, same exact method next time and crack. But I have tried 4 strips on each side, I have also tried 2 pieces high on each side. I have also tried glueing the ihs back everytime and re-delidding. Then I will bench and think I fixed it and do the same thing again and it cracks. It's really strange and hard for me to figure out. I have also been using a lot of paste but not as much as splave showed. Will try that this weekend with new chip. I also tried with i3. delidded and glued back together with a little higher glue and a ton of paste and I had terrible cracks. Some of my best results have been cracking it on purpose and heating up with xtu and then benching more. its definitely the most frustrating thing I have come across since starting xoc.
  14. I have one I have been thinking of selling, only benched about twice. I got it up to 5.6ghz cinebench, I'm pretty sure it will do 5.7ghz 3d but I have been having trouble with my kpe so I didn't get any subs in. http://hwbot.org/submission/3116525 The cache is insane, would have done 5.1ghz cache with this low clock sub but I had to keep the cpu core under 4ghz. http://hwbot.org/submission/3116540
  15. Strong Island


    I have a brand new m8e, about 2 weeks old. I killed one and bought another but it's too expensive so I might just stick with the ocf. It's on water cooling right now just gaming. The OC Panel has never even been turned on. I was just about to prep for cold but I ordered an ocf and will be here saturday. I can send some pics, it's the computer I'm using now. it even still has whatever plastic comes on the heat sinks. I will also probably sell my 81% asic 980 ti kpe. Would definitely give a deal for both, but I did prep the 980 ti for cold but it's perfectly clean now. I'm using it for fallout 4 and nba2k16 as we speak. It's pretty insane, does 1575mhz gaming easily. I wish I wouldnt have ordered ocf already, we could have worked out a trade.
  16. hey does anyone have the mods for the 980 ti strix. kingpin cooling has been down for awhile now. Was thinking of trying one out. Thanks.
  17. saw this late but I'm definitely in, sounds exciting. Finally close to me. Shouldnt be much drive from ny. I also know someone here from ny who could be interested, I will let him know about thread. Sept 24th would be cool, it's my birthday, will plan some time off from work.
  18. and it does start with R, come on guys D and R are like 14 letters apart in the alphabet, that's a huge difference.
  19. sorry, was hoping it would work, either way that program is awesome, especially for older benches and newer cards
  20. would love to try one, been using tape and all sorts of things.
  21. you could try nvidia power mizer manager, I can't remember if I had to use that but the last time I ran that bench was with a 980. Or you could try to edit your bios and change the lower state clocks. also did you try with the normal bios for the 6320.
  22. I don't know about that, I mean I spent months and tons of money on my 6700k xtu score and to have it erased because there is a tweak/bug that I didn't even know about would really suck. It would be nice if they could figure out a way to determine if it was used or not instead of deleting all points. I only have 4 xtu scores towards my global profile so it wouldn't hurt me that much, it just feels like the principle of the matter.
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