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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. wow man sick cpu, seems even better than mine, nice job
  2. wow thanks so much for all the comments guys, I really appreciate it. Definitely having a lot of fun with cpu. Frustrated tonight though, I was benching hwbot prime 6440mhz no problem but couldn't break 5789pps. I really need to spend more time on efficiency but ln2 is so much fun.
  3. Thanks a lot guys, definitely got lucky with this chip.
  4. Thanks to CLP320 for always helping with tweaks. Man thought I killed this cpu last night, benched way too long and got 00. But dried out and was ok this morning. Man I felt so crappy going to bed last night. First, first place score for me, really exciting. Had 1024m first also but crashed on screenshot and everything just died 00. Thought mobo and cpu was dead.
  5. im sure you will see 742 soon, then you can finally relax, haha, nice job.
  6. Thanks a lot guys. Thanks a lot CLP for all your help.
  7. wow really amazing, and with a 8gb stick with pretty decent timings, really incredible.
  8. man I hope custom cards will solve this somehow. It sucks because this card would be perfect for epower, for someone like me with not a lot of experience it would have been much easier because not as power hungry as titan x. This really does suck for our community, this is like a huge story. Time to start benching cpu's, 980 ti, and older cards. AMD could make a nice move if they could release a nice gpu with no volt limits that we could oc past a locked 1080. Has anyone had a chance to test a 1080 strix or other custom pcb to see if limit still exists?
  9. ya I just started noticing this the past couple days, makes sense but just didnt realize. 2 nights ago I put ihs down but it was really misaligned so I had to adjust it too much and paste cracked pretty fast. But last night I put ihs down almost perfectly first shot and not one crack all night, full pot for hours. Thanks to dancop guide I use the asus cpu tool now which really helps with alignment. Got my 6100 too almost 6.4ghz hwbot prime but os was a mess, tried stripping win 10 myself but it wasnt right, need more practice.
  10. ya that's what I'm trying to figure out as well, would love to split costs with someone, with 1080 coming out tomorrow I feel like I'm not going to have enough money.
  11. Hey guys, I did the vcore mod and figured out the vmem mod for my card. But at around -50c it wants to shutdown and I lose monitor. Does anyone know if there is a cold shutdown mod. This is where I got the vcore mod from, was able to figure out the vmem mod. I can get some more pics. http://oc.jagatreview.com/2015/05/msi-geforce-gtx-960-gaming-2g-voltage-mod-guide/
  12. Hey guys, I did the vcore mod and figured out the vmem mod for my card. But at around -50c it wants to shutdown and I lose monitor. Does anyone know if there is a cold shutdown mod. This is where I got the vcore mod from, was able to figure out the vmem mod. I can get some more pics. http://oc.jagatreview.com/2015/05/msi-geforce-gtx-960-gaming-2g-voltage-mod-guide/
  13. ok will let you know asap.
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